Реферат: Розробка модифікованих композиційних покриттів на поліорганосилоксановій основі для захисту магістральних трубопроводів

Theses cover the research results of the influence of mineral fillers, polymer-oligomer modifiers and catalysts of “ cold” (+5 C) hardening on structure and properties of silicon-organic and silicon-organic-urethane composites and coatings based on polymethylphenilsiloxane lacquer KO –921.

The content of silicon-organic and silicon-organic-urethane composites was experimentally substantiated and the mechanism of their structurization was formulated. Thermo-resistant coatings with the improved properties were obtained. Their correspondence to the requirements of standards, in particular of ДСТУ 4219-2003, on insulation of pipelines, capacities and technological equipment in oil-gas complex was tested and experimentally proved.

Key words: polymethylphenylsiloxane, composite, filler, modifier, catalyst, coating, corrosion protection.

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