Сочинение The Media in the life of society.

    The Media in the life of society.

    Mass media play an important role in our everyday life. In fact it is an essential part of the modern society. Press, radio and TV keep people informed on the latest and most sensational events.
     Millions of copies of newspapers are printed in our country every day. All the most important qestions of social, economic, scientific and cultural life, moral and ecological problems are traditionally published in the press and discussed on TV. Opinions clash, officials and political parties are subjected to criticism whatever their position may be. The mass media is doing much to raise an interest in every aspect of the country’s life.
    Newspapers, magazines and TV programs for youth reflect the young people’s hopes and wishes, their leisure and education, their attitudes and opinions. Of course such programs, magazines and newspapers mostly deal with the leisure for youth, especially music and cinema. But TV programs like “Before 16 and older” and newspapers like “I am young” also offer young people advice of a college or a job and help them to choose the right course in solving their problems.
     Not only young people but all categories of readers often write to their favorite programs or editions, offering their opinions or asking for an advice. In this way a constant contact between media and public exists and develops.
     Another kind of link between public and media, which appeared during the last years, is advertising. Mass media helps us with information about new goods and services. But some people are tired of advertisement and don’t like to see their favorite films or programs interrupted by them. I hope some.
     Way will be found to solve this problem. For example in Great Britain there are two organizations providing TV and radio services. The BBC is state-funded and there is absolutely no advertising in BBC programs, but in the programs of the independent Television the advertising is also restricted.
     Nowadays in Russia there are many national daily and weekly newspapers. There are also local newspapers in all parts of Russia and one can find newspapers and magazines for sport fans, music fans and so on. Our family subscribes to Segodnya and Smena because they are informative, interesting and objective. My father is interested in sports, so he sometimes bus “Sports-express” at the newsstand. I’m not very interested in politics and economics, so I sometimes buy newspapers and magazines about music and cinema.

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