Переведите текст с русского на английский?пожалуйста к завтра надо на анлийский язык а то 2 влипят...а сама немогу/!.
Переведите текст с русского на английский?пожалуйста к завтра надо на анлийский язык а то 2 влипят...а сама немогу/!.Добро пожаловать в магазин магазин "Омега".Этот магазин находится на улице 10 лет октября.на 1 этаже находится магазин одежды, обуви,дисков, ювелирные изделия а также здесь можно найти журналы,газеты,комиксы и многое другое.на 2 этаже в основном находится кафе.На 3 этаже находится каток и ролледром.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
Welcome to Omega shop! This shop is in ten Years of October street. On the ground floor there are shops of ready-made clothes, shoes, compact discs, and jewelry. One may also find here magazines, newspapers, comics and much more. On the second floor there is a cafe. On the third floor there is a skating-rink and a rollerdrome. Удачи!!
Без переводчика тебе переведу. Welcome to the shop Omega!This shop is located situated on (название, наверное, не нужно переводить) There is a clothes-, shoes-, CDs- and jewelery- shop on the first floor and you can also find magazines, newspapers, comics and many ther things here. On the second floor there are mainly(basically ну никак нельзя) cafes. On the third floor there are skating rink and rolledrom.
Welcome to Omega shop! This shop is in 10 Years of October street. On the ground floor there are shops of ready-made clothes, shoes, compact discs, and jewelry. One may also find here magazines, newspapers, comics and much more. On the second floor there is a cafe. On the third floor there is a skating-rink and a rollerdrome. Рада помочь.
Welcome in shop shop "Omega".The shop is in the street 10 years октября. на 1 floor there is a shop of clothes, footwear, disks, jewels and also here it is possible to find magazines, newspapers, comics and much другое. на 2 floor is basically cafe. On 3 floor there is a skating rink and rolledrom.
Welcome in shop shop "Омега". This shop is in the street 10 years of October. on 1 floor there is a shop of clothes, footwear, disks, jewels and also here it is possible to find magazines, newspapers, comics and many other things. On 2 floor is basically cafe. On 3 floor there is a skating rink and ыcooter platform
деточка, включи переводкик гогл и вперёд - переводи
Welcome to shop-shop "Omega." This shop is located on the street 10 years oktyabrya.na 1 floor is a shop of clothes, shoes, CDs, jewelry and here you can find magazines, newspapers, comics and much drugoe.na 2 floor in the main is kafe.Na 3 floor is an ice rink and rolledrom.
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