Помогите очень!!!!аАААААА сдохну!!!!щас!!!!

Помогите очень!!!!аАААААА сдохну!!!!щас!!!!НА английский, надо срочно написать сочинение или маленький рассказик, буквально предложений 5-7. Очень... в голову вообще ничего не лезет!!!!очень прошу напишите, а то мне еще курсовую делать((( ТЕМА: "Environment around the world"
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
Until recently the planet was a large world in which human activities and the nature were in balance. Acid rain, global warming, ozone reduction, widespread desertification and species loss: we have to face them now. Ecology and economy are very closely connected. First economy influenced the state of our environment. Now we have to face degradation of soils, water, atmosphere and forests. Millions of trees are dying in Germany’s Black Forest and thousands of lakes in Sweden are so acidic that nothing can live in them. In Scotland farmers complain that acid rains kill their fish. Forests in Denmark, France, Northern Italy, Greece and Norway are damaged. Thousands of lakes in Canada and the USA can no longer support fish life. The Mediterranean Sea has one of the dirtiest coastlines in the world. Ten million tons of oil, industrial waste, chemicals are pumped into the sea every year. It causes diseases like typhoid, dysentery, hepatitis and cholera. The Rhone in France, the Po in Italy, the Ebro in Spain and the Nile in Egypt carry pesticides and chemical wastes. Many industries produce waste products, which can be difficult or dangerous to dispose of. Many countries have no storage facilities for the spent nuclear fuel. это не то чтобы сочинение... но всеже.. эт я из инете нашлоа..
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