Помогите перевести текст на англиский!
Помогите перевести текст на англиский!1Я не знаю ні його, ні його друга.2 Я не був ні в Одесі, ні в Ялті.3 Ні він, ні його друг не переклали цей текст.4 Ні ми, ні вони не читали цю книжку.5 Ні Петро, ні Микола не брали участь у вечорі.6 Він не писав і не читав. Він дивився телевізор.7 Ми не грали ні в футбол, ні в волейбол. Ми грали в шахи.8 Ні наша сестра, ні ми з братом не були сьогодрі в кіно.9 Вони не читали і не писали. Вони гралися з моєю сестричкою.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1)I do not know neither it, nor its friend 2)I was not in Odessa, not in Yalta 3)Not it, and not its friend have not translated this text 4)Not we, and not they did not read this book.5)Not Petya, not Kolya did not take participation in evening.6)It did not write and did not read.7)We did not play neither in football, nor in volleyball.8)Neither our sister, nor we with the brother were not today at cinema.9)They did not read and did not write.They played with my sister. Извини если что то не так.
1 I do not know him or his friend.2 I was neither in Odessa or in Yalti.3 Neither he nor his friend had not moved this tekst.4 Neither we nor they have not read this books.5 Neither Peter Neither Nikola did not participate in vechori.6 He did not write or read. He looked televizor.7 We did not play either football or volleyball. We played shahi.8 Neither our sister nor my brother were in film.9 They do not read or write. They played with my little sister.
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