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Помогите пожалуйстата срочно!Мне нужен доклад, где то на один лист об имени Катя. На английском языке. Онлайн переводчик плохой вариант...
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
Ekaterina - (from Greek) cleanliness "The national noblewoman". Its natural resoluteness - from talent, reasonable thrift and prodigal generosity. At the same time Katya - the woman of good mood: both native, and terrestrial. Ekaterina - pure, pure (Ancient Greek). The name is very extended as in Russia, and in the West. In foreign tradition the initial letter "е" is absent: Катерина, Катарин, Кэтрин. In the last century in Russia with this name nominal names have been connected even: rolling - the doll to set катю - to flog, катеринить - to grow rich, make profit (obviously because "катеньками" denominations in hundred roubles with Catherine II portrait - the big money on those times) were called. Presently this name use less, but now it again becomes fashionable, especially in cities. To sacred Ekaterina pray at difficult sorts. In day Of Catherine races on sledge were arranged. Evening under Ekaterina - fortunetelling time. Little girl Katya involves with the open sight and quiet judiciousness. Adores various outdoor games, well plays with children, in a kindergarten quickly all remembers on names. Katya very much loves books, easily remembers verses, with pleasure them recites, but the girl not without vanity: any gift waits for an applause. Katya is ambitious, for it it is important to be the first in a class. She is on friendly terms with the best schoolgirls because itself is very irresolute, constraining, the reliable back is necessary to it. However if the teacher is not right and openly does not recognise an error, it will for ever lose authority for Katya. Katya very inquisitive girl also likes to study. It dreams, at it the imagination is well developed. Having matured, Ekaterina seems proud and unapproachable, though actually it all same timid and diffident. All seems to it, that it is insufficiently clever, that at it nasty taste, that she cannot answer how it is necessary... It is inclined to take all up, is unduly subjective. Actually Ekaterina - the person with the high intelligence, having is enough taste and step, lives the interesting and sated life. She aspires to count only on own forces, in vain neglecting the help of associates. Not having managed independently to solve a problem, Ekaterina is capable of such attack of anger which can shock relatives. Ekaterina very much depends on own mood: it can be kind, is majestic quiet, легковозбудимой, quickly leaving of herself, at it difficult enough character. In collective Ekaterina tries to be counterbalanced and constrained. But if it to whom takes a dislike, that happens seldom, it will not constrain and hide the feelings. Ekaterina perfectly copes with work in any trade, the priority at it is not present. It is diligent, but work does not occupy it, she does not feel, that work is necessary for it. But, movable by ambition, it will reach appreciable successes though will not bring something new, not ordinary. Ekaterina more often the head of department of engineers, economists, it will be the quite good journalist, the TV presenter. In love and marriage Ekaterina searches for reliability, possibility to find a self-trust. She does not hasten to marry, though a choice at it rich enough. More often she is not mistaken, chooses close to on spirit of the person. To the husband does not change, usually good mistress and loving mother. Катерина is able to create a cosiness and calmness in the house. It becomes a support of the family, members of household especially feel it, it is necessary to it to leave or be ill somewhere. P.A.Florensky considered, that a name Ekaterina most close to Nikolay, its female addition.
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