Помогите выполнить задание по английскому

Помогите выполнить задание по английскомуFill in prepositions and adverb where necessary.
1 The train ...Kursk is ...platform 2 ...track 4.
2 It was impossible to book seats because they were all booked ...
3 Our train leaves ...eight forty five p.m. ..platform 1, track 3.
4 I called ...the information bureau to find ...when trains leave ...Kiev.
5 I want two first-class sleepers .. the RED ARROW ...Monday ...separate compartment.
6 We will be off ...a minute.
7 I was lucky to get tickets ...the express train ...Saratov.
8 When he arrived ...the station where he had to change George put his suitcase ...a compartment and decided to spend the time walking ...and ...the platform.
9 Does the train come ...time.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1 The train TO Kursk is AT platform 2 -- track 4. 2 It was impossible to book seats because they were all booked BEFOREHAND. 3 Our train leaves AT eight forty five p.m. FROM platform 1, track 3. 4 I called TO the information bureau to find OUT when trains leave FOR Kiev. 5 I want two first-class sleepers AT the RED ARROW ON Monday IN separate compartment. 6 We will be off IN a minute. 7 I was lucky to get tickets FOR the express train TO Saratov. 8 When he arrived AT the station where he had to change George put his suitcase IN a compartment and decided to spend the time walking TO and FRO the platform. 9 Does the train come ON time.
Заполните предлоги и наречия, где это необходимо. 1 поезд ...Курск ...платформы 2 ...4 трека. 2 было невозможно забронировать места, потому что все они были забронированы ... 3 Наш поезд ...восемь сорок 5 вечера .. платформу 1, трек 3. 4 Я позвонил ...информационное бюро, чтобы найти ...когда поезда ...Киев. 5 Я хочу два первых класса шпалы .. "Красная стрела" ...Понедельник ...отдельном помещении. 6 Мы будем с ...минуту. 7 Мне посчастливилось достать билеты ...экспресс ...Саратовской области. 8 Когда он приехал ...станции, где ему пришлось сменить Джорджа поставил чемодан ...купе и решил провести время ходьбы ...и ...платформы. 9 ли поезд придет ...время.
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