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Translate into english1.И зачем мы толко поехали в выходные на дачу! Весь день шел дождь, и мы просидели в помещении. Лучше бы остались в городе и сходили в кино. 2.Через неделю у Максима день рождения: нужно подумать о подарки. -А что думать? Он давно мечтает о наборе инструентов. Предлагаю купить его. 3.Когда прибыли спасатели, кошка смогла сама благополучно слезть с дерева и быстро убежаа. 4.Моя мама иногда говорит: "Как бы я хотела оставить работу и уйти на пенсию! " На самом деле мне кажется она очень быстро заскучала бы без работы. Вообще-то ей удается все-и работа, и домашние дела. 5.Только мы приготовились попить чаю, как позвонил мой начальник и завел длинную беседу о предстоящем производственном совещании. Почему-то он звонит в самое неподходящее время! 6. Петр I сам подготовил план летнего сада и это получилось у него довольно неплохо! До сих пор Летний сад остается одним из самых любимых мест для пргулок горожан. 7.Некоторые приписывают успех российских теннисистов тому, что этот вид спорта находился в почете у бывшего президенты Ельцина .На самом деле здесьнет никакой связи. Ельцин был самым обыкновенным игроком-любителем, а дело в том, что теннис всегда бы в России одним ихз ведущих видов спорта. 8.Его не нужно упрашивать дважды пойти кататься а лыжах. Кататься на лыжах-это его любимое занятие. 9.-Не видишь ли ты где-нибудь Бориса среди других приглашенных? -Боюсь, что я его просто не узнаю. Ведь прошло столько лет. 10.Зря ты это сделал. Нужно было сначала посоветоваться со мной. Я бы тебе подсказал, как поступить.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1. And what for we толко have gone in target on a summer residence! All the day long there was a rain, and we have stayed in a premise. Would remain in a city is better and descended at cinema. 2. In a week at Maxim day рождения: нужно to think about podarki. what to think? He dreams for a long time of a set инструентов. I suggest to buy it. 3. When there have arrived rescuers, the cat could itself safely слезть from a tree and quickly убежаа. 4. My mum sometimes speaks: "As though I wished to leave work and to retire!" Actually it seems to me very quickly would start missing work. Generally it manages all work, and house affairs. 5. Only we were going to have a drink to tea as my chief has called and has got long conversation about a forthcoming production meeting. For some reason he calls during the most improper time! 6. Peter I itself has prepared the plan of a summer garden and it has turned out at it not bad enough! Till now the Summer garden remains to one of the most favourite places for пргулок townspeople. 7. Some attribute success of the Russian tennis players to that this kind of sports was in honour at Yeltsin who was presidents.На the business здесьнет any communication. Yeltsin was the most ordinary player-fan, and the matter is that tennis always in Russia one ихз leading kinds of sports. 8. It it is not necessary to ask to go twice to go for a drive and skis. To go for a drive on skis-it its hobby. Whether see you somewhere Boris among others invited? - I Am afraid that I simply do not learn it. After all has passed so much years. 10. In vain you have made it. It was necessary to consult to me at first. I would prompt to you how to arrive.
много очень
1. And what for we толко have gone in target on a summer residence! All the day long there was a rain, and we have stayed in a premise. Would remain in a city is better and descended at cinema. 2. In a week at Maxim day рождения: нужно to think about podarki. what to think? He dreams for a long time of a set инструентов. I suggest to buy it. 3. When there have arrived rescuers, the cat could itself safely слезть from a tree and quickly убежаа. 4. My mum sometimes speaks: "As though I wished to leave work and to retire!" Actually it seems to me very quickly would start missing work. Generally it manages all work, and house affairs. 5. Only we were going to have a drink to tea as my chief has called and has got long conversation about a forthcoming production meeting. For some reason he calls during the most improper time! 6. Peter I itself has prepared the plan of a summer garden and it has turned out at it not bad enough! Till now the Summer garden remains to one of the most favourite places for пргулок townspeople. 7. Some attribute success of the Russian tennis players to that this kind of sports was in honour at Yeltsin who was presidents.На the business здесьнет any communication. Yeltsin was the most ordinary player-fan, and the matter is that tennis always in Russia one ихз leading kinds of sports. 8. It it is not necessary to ask to go twice to go for a drive and skis. To go for a drive on skis-it its hobby. Whether see you somewhere Boris among others invited? - I Am afraid that I simply do not learn it. After all has passed so much years. 10. In vain you have made it. It was necessary to consult to me at first. I would prompt to you how to arrive.
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