Контрольная работа: Составление предложений в английском языке, работа с текстом

2) rules/have/in/what/do/to/the/little/you/by/abide/family?

What little rules do you have to abide by in the family?

3) do/because/rather/Helen/her/is/lazy/doesn’t/homework/she.

Helen doesn’t do her homework because she is rather lazy.

4) the/vote/planned/there/choice/against/changes/is/to/the.

There is the choice to vote against the planned changes.

VI. Раскройте скобки, употребив подходящее по смыслу производное слово. Запишитепредложения, переведитеихнарусскийязык

Example: The (major) majority of students took the (examine) examination successfully.

1. She accepted my (resign) resignation but warned me that she did it because of the (economy) economic situation. – Онасогласиласьсмоимувольнением, носказала, чтопоступаеттактолькоиз-засложившейсяэкономическойситуации.

2. He has long hair with a (part) parting in the middle. – Унегодлинныеволосыспроборомпосередине.

3. I wanted to become a millionaire by inventing a wonderful new (produce) product which would make the world a better place. – Яхотелстатьмиллионером, изобретячудесныйновыйпродукт, которыйсделатмирлучше.

4. Nowadays (electron) electronic industry is manufacturing a wide array of electronic consumer, (industry) industrial and military products. - Внастоящеевремяэлектроннаяпромышленностьвыпускаетширокийспектрэлектронныхизделийдлягражданских, промышленныхивоенныхцелей.

VII. Прочитайте текст, постарайтесь понять его содержание

Vladimir Zworykin

1. Vladimir Kuzmich Zworykin (July 30, 1889 - July 29, 1982) was a pioneer of television technology. Zworykin invented the iconoscope, a television transmitting tube, and the kinescope, a cathode ray tube that projects pictures it receives onto a screen. He also invented an infrared image tube and helped to develop an electron microscope.

2. Zworykin lived through many historic events. Born in Murom, Russia, in 1889 to a family of a prosperous merchant, he studied at St. Petersburg Institute of Technology. He was eventually hired by one of his instructors, Boris Rosing, who was seeking ways of extending human vision. By 1907, Rosing had developed a television system which employed a mechanical disc and a very early cathode ray tube (developed in Germany by Karl Ferdinand Braun) as a receiver. The system was primitive, but it was more electronic than mechanical. Rosing and Zworykin exhibited a television system in 1910, using a mechanical scanner on the transmitter and the electronic Braun tube in the receiver. In 1912 Zworykin graduated and was allowed to continue his education in College de France, in Paris, but World War I ruined these plans.

3. Zworykin decided to leave Russia for the United States in 1919. Zworykin lost contact with Rosing during the Revolution of 1917. Rosing continued his television research until 1931 when he was exiled to Arkhangelsk ; Rosing died in exile in 1933. Zworykin carried on his work.

4. In 1919 he moved to the United States to work at the Westinghouse laboratory in Pittsburgh. In 1926 he received a Ph.D from the University of Pittsburgh. Zworykin found a job with Westinghouse Electric Corporation. Based on their pioneering efforts in radio, he tried to convince them to do research in television. Turning down an offer from Warner Brothers, Zworykin worked nights, fashioning his own crude television system. In 1923, Zworykin demonstrated his system before officials at Westinghouse and applied for a patent. All future television systems would be based on Zworykin's 1923 patent. Zworykin describes his 1923 demonstration as "scarcely impressive".

5. Zworykin continued in his off hours to perfect his system. He was so persistent that the laboratory guard was instructed to send him home at 2:00 in the morning if the lights of the laboratory were still on. During this time,. Zworykin managed to develop a more sophisticated picture tube called the Kinescope, which serves as the basis of the television display tubes in use today.

6. In 1929, Vladimir Zworykin invented the all electric camera tube. He called his tube “the Iconoscope”. On November 18, 1929, at a convention of the Institute of Radio Engineers (the IRE), Zworykin demonstrated a television receiver containing his kinescope. Zworykin's all-electronic television system demonstrated the limitations of the mechanical television system.

In 1952, he received the AIEE, now IEEE, Edison Medal 'For outstanding contributions to concept and design of electronic components and systems.'


iconoscope иконоскоп
a television transmitting tube кинескоп
a cathoderay tube электронно-лучевая трубка
infrared image tube инфракрасный электронно-оптический преобразователь
to extend расширять
a receiver приемное устройство
to exile изгонять, ссылать
to turn down отклонить
crude простейший, примитивный
sophisticated сложный, современный

VIII. Укажите, какое из данных утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста

1. In 1910 Rosing and Zworykin demonstrated a television system based on the mechanical scanner and Braun’s cathode-ray tube.

2. In 1923 Zworykin patented the picture tube called the Kinescope.

3. Zworykin’s television receiver containing his kinescope proved the limitations of the mechanical television system.

IX. Выберите правильные ответы на вопросы

1. What were Zworykin’s efforts aimed at when he was working for Westing house Electric corporation?

a) At doing research in television.

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