Реферат: Advertising in the trade market

Explains the variety of goods and a wide variety of promotional activities distribution channels.

Notable features such distribution channels:

• Analytical work that is performed to facilitate the exchange of goods between producers and consumers;

• promotion (creating incentives for communication and dissemination to the goods);

• establishing and maintaining relationships between agents and consumers, between producers, intermediaries and consumers;

• adapt products to the requirements of buyers (sorting, assembly and packaging); •

• organization of goods delivery logistics (transportation and warehousing);

• financing of commodity movement to consumers;

• to assume risk that may arise during the movement of goods to consumers.

Each of these features are so well connected with advertising and marketing activities of all producer and facilitator. This includes prices, discounts, services, etc. particular functional.

Advertising depends on the number of levels of distribution channels. Channel zero, which is called direct marketing channel consists of a manufacturer who sells his wares directly to consumers. This, for example, through trade peddlers, mail order trade, trade by manufacturer branded stores. Tier channel has one mediator.

In consumer markets - a retailer and markets products for industrial purposes - a sales agent or broker. Duplex channel already has two facilitators. In consumer markets, such are the wholesale and retail traders in the markets of capital goods - industrial (agricultural) Distributor and dealers. Three-level channel has three intermediaries: small wholesalers purchase goods in large wholesalers and sell them to small retailers.

This system requires a completely different marketing communications (advertising, too) for each level. Are working on these communications (advertising) on the basis of consumer research and proposals of competitors.

2. The forms of distribution channels ad

Great value for the purposes of defining features as advertising to sell are organizational forms distribution channels.

Retailers are classified by the following features:

• product portfolio offered (specialty shops, department stores, Supermarkets, convenience goods stores, shopping centers, retailers services, etc.);

• the nature of prices (low price store, warehouse store, which sells at wholesale prices, shop, showroom, etc.);

• the nature of service trade (trade of goods ordered by mail or telephone, vending machines, service orders, with a discount roznosna trade, trade for catalogs);

• concentration of commercial enterprises (central business district, a regional shopping center, regional shopping center, neighborhood shopping center, etc.).

These features determine the policy of marketing communication in retail. To reach consumers, retailers enjoy the usual communication tools like advertising, personal selling, sales promotion activities for products and public relations. They provide advertising appeals in newspapers, magazines, radio and television (in whom it is possible, he resorts to the interactive marketing). This use letters that can personally deliver to customers (actual or potential), or direct mail advertising. Special attention is paid to get in contact with customers, meeting their needs, comforting doubts consumer claims. Being organized vnutrishnomaha-zynni impressions tests used stamps, play prizes. A significant effect is the use of such techniques as an invitation to "celebrities", using the most modern commercial interiors, increasing the number and quality of services, facilitate the return of goods, opening branches in suburban areas, expanding franchise network and so on.

On all these measures are widely inform the media directly in the trading rooms used special methods display of goods (with the use of technical devices, animation, etc.).

Marketing policy of wholesalers has significant differences, as wholesale intermediaries other than retail in many ways.

Wholesaler pays attention less on incentives, the location of its trade, its interior and setting up specific atmosphere of goodwill and mutual respect, because it deals mainly with professional buyers who are most interested in purely technical parameters. By the volume of wholesale agreements with much larger retailers, wholesalers and trading zone and more. Retailers are more likely to buy the right products at a wholesaler, rather than looking at them from different manufacturers (though this form of trafficking also takes place).

Lowest wholesale contribute to such trends in the economic development of civilized countries, as growth in mass production in large enterprises, remote from the main consumers of finished products, increase production "in reserve", increasing the levels of distribution channels and increasing the number of claims intermediaries, packaging and variety of goods and services offered.

All this requires some effort on marketing services producers and intermediaries. Power Marketing communications, including advertising in the other to sell, depending on the category of wholesalers, which is classified by the following features:

• wholesalers, buyers, which in turn are subdivided into wholesalers with a complete cycle of service and wholesalers with limited-service, ie, those who trade in cash without delivery of goods to consumers, wholesalers, salespeople, wholesalers organizers, Wholesalers - consignor; wholesalers engaged in mail order trade, cooperative wholesalers, selling products (mostly agricultural) manufactured at the enterprises of the cooperative;

• brokers and agents (agents manufacturers, sales agents Plenipotentiary of goods, purchasing agents, wholesalers, commissioners);

• wholesale branches and corporate departments producers (supply and network marketing organizations, producers);

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