Реферат: Английский базовый курс для лингвистов, вопросы и билеты

31. Translate into Russian: Turn the television up. I want to listen to this song.

32. Translate into Russian:
After graduating from college, he immediately started working in the theatre.

33. Translate into Russian:
Judy’s parents wanted her to have a good education.

34. Translate into Russian:
Sarah is interested in the way people lived and worked in the past.

35. Translate into Russian: The Canadians were beaten three one by the Finns.

36. Translate into Russian:
Mary is looking for ways of dressing smartly without spending too much.

37. Translate into Russian: He has lived in London since 1974.

38. Translate into Russian: At the end of the year she might get a good payment.

39. Translate into Russian:
The post you have applied for involves a lot of travelling.

40. Translate into Russian:
His first steps to fame and fortune began when he was only nine.

41. Translate into Russian:
Maria would like to follow an individual course of study with a private teacher.

42. Translate into Russian:
This excellent school offers courses in most European languages for adults wishing to study outside office hours.

43. Translate into Russian:
At university great attention is paid to scientific subjects.

44. Translate into Russian:
We didn’t have to study Economics – it was an optional subject.

45. Translate into Russian:
I knew absolutely nothing about Mathс and I hated PE.

46. Translate into Russian:
I’m amazed that you can cope with all the work they give you.

47. Translate into Russian:
Society considers happiness to be as important as material success.

48. Translate into Russian:
I wanted to find out when we could meet and discuss the contract.

49. Translate into Russian:
Have you got any identification: a passport or a driving license?

50. Translate into Russian:
Policemen who leave the force often become private detectives.

51. Translate into Russian:
The political party which wins a majority of the seats will form the government on their own.

52. Translate into Russian:
The House of Commons plays the major role in law-making.

53. Translate into Russian:
If the accused is found guilty of murder, the sentence may be at least ten years in prison.

54. Translate into Russian: Capital punishment used to be a major deterrent.

55. Translate into Russian:
Inventions often come as by-products of other discoveries.

56. Translate into Russian:
Jo and Phil don’t see eye to eye with each other.

57. Translate into Russian: I get on very well with all my colleagues at work.

58. Translate into Russian:
I am looking for a caring, well-educated, non-smoking man.

59. Translate into Russian:
He was very frightened when he saw a big dog running towards him.

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