Реферат: Anthrax Essay Research Paper ANTHRAX AS A

Prevention of Anthrax

As outlined earlier, most forms of anthrax are treatable with antibiotics. Inhalation anthrax is not. In regions were anthrax is found naturally animals can be inoculated against the disease. There is also a vaccine for humans, which has been reported to be 95% effective by the U.S. Department of Defense. It is now mandatory for all U.S. military personnel to receive the vaccine because of the risk of anthrax being deployed as a biological weapon. The vaccine is available for people who may be working with the bacteria on a daily basis e.g. veterinarians, butchers. Unfortunately the vaccine is not made available to the general public so civilians must take their own precautions to avoid becoming infected. The main concern for a civilian is to avoid breathing in the harmful endospores. A gas mask or any other facial covering would decrease the chances of inhaling anthrax. Remaining indoors will not help; the spores are so small they will easily enter the smallest cracks in a building. A rubber suit or any full body covering can also decrease chances of contacting the bacteria, although without a proper facemask any suit is useless. The best advice is to always be aware of your surroundings, and take note of suspicious activity. If you feel that you may have been exposed to some form of BW agent antibiotic treatment should be started immediately. Early treatment of anthrax cases greatly improves chances of survival.

Although the threat of biological warfare exists it is not necessary to become paranoid about the subject. It would benefit people to read up on the subject and become familiar with the various agents of bio-warfare. A basic knowledge of what to do in case of a possible outbreak of a disease may just save your life. Although this application of biotechnology is very negative there are many other forms of biotechnology that are making this world a better place to live.


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