Реферат: Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

Departments in areas of work:

- Department of Foreign resources (agent-operative work with the United States);

- Department of International Affairs (planning and conduct of covert paramilitary operations);

- Department of gathering information on the United States;

- Department of evasion;

- Division of businesses and others;

- Management of foreign counterintelligence - provides security intelligence and the CIA Central Intelligence th apparatus, carries out penetration of foreign intelligence services, queries defectors. In 1993, management created counterintelligence center to coordinate counterintelligence activities of all U.S. counterintelligence agencies.

- Office of covert operations - developing and implementing covert operations.

- Office of Technical Services (the "D") - provides technical support covert operations.

- Financial Planning Office - provides planning and funding of all activities of the Directorate.

- Center for Combating Terrorism - coordinates the activities of the CIA station in the fight against international terrorism.

- Center for Drug - performs analysis of all information on drugs, develops and conducts operational activities against the most dangerous drug-trafficking organizations.

2. Scientific and Technical Directorate - conducts research and development of technical means of gathering information, exploits them, maintains contacts with major research centers of the United States.

The structure of the Directorate include:

- Management of research and development of technical systems - is engaged in basic and applied research in various fields (artificial intelligence, process modeling, semiconductor systems, communications, etc.)

- Office of Development and Design has been developing and operating large-scale technical systems for collecting information

- Office of radio intercepts - operates and maintains the latest equipment to collect and analyze information

- Logistics Management - develops and manufactures various operational equipment (means of cryptography, eavesdropping, covert photography, etc.)

- Information service on foreign radio listens and record foreign radio and television programs - National Center for deciphering materials aerospace exploration.

3. Information Analysis Directorate-head under the division of the entire U.S. intelligence processing and analysis of intelligence information and training outputs intelligence for the president, the National Security Council and Congress.

The main output documents of the Directorate are:

- Memorandum warning "- information about the threat of attack or maturing crisis that could escalate into a major armed conflict;

- The daily intelligence reports and a weekly report to the president, vice-president, secretary, defense minister, presidential adviser on national security and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff;

- Daily review of national intelligence - is sent to 200 addresses;

- National intelligence estimates, containing an analysis and forecast of development of the most important problems.

The structure of the Directorate include:

- Office of Information Analysis by country, the former Soviet bloc

- Office of Information Analysis of European countries

- Office of Information Analysis for the Middle East and South Asia

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