Реферат: Дискуссия о языке наблюдения

[11] Neurath O. 'Protocol Sentences' — in: Ayer A.J. (ed.) Logical Positivism, pp. 204 and 206.

[12] См .: Hempel C.G. 'On the Logical Positivists' Theory of Truth' — Analysis, v.2, No.4, 1935. Pp. 49-59.

[13] См .: Carnap R. Logical Syntax of Language. N.Y., 1937.

[14] См .: Hempel C.G. 'On the Logical Positivists' Theory of Truth', р .56.

[15] Hempel C. 'Studies in the Logic of Confirmation' — in: Aspects of Scientific Explanation, New York, The Free Press, 1965. P. 42.

[16] Davidson D. Empirical Content. — In: Truth and Interpretation (ed. by E. LePore) Ox., 1986. P. 325.

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