Реферат: Круговорот воды на Марсе: работа над ошибкамир

3.Kahn, R. 1985 The evolution of CO2 on Mars. Icarus, 62, 175-190.

4.Leovy, C.B. An evolving perspective on the atmosphere and surface of Mars. BAAS #33.02, 2000.

5.Hoffman, N. 2000. White Mars: a new model for Mars' surface and atmosphere based on CO2. Icarus, 146, 326-342.

6.Goldspiel, J.M., and S.W.Squyres 2000. Groundwater sapping and valley formation on Mars. Icarus, 148, 176-192.

7.Clancy, R. T.; Grossman, A. W.; Wolff, M. J.; James, P. B.; Rudy, D. J.; Billawala, Y. N.; Sandor, B. J.; Lee, S. W.; Muhleman, D. O. 1996. Water Vapor Saturation at Low Altitudes around Mars Aphelion: A Key to Mars Climate? Icarus, 122, 36-62.

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