Реферат: Liberal and democratic political modes in a modern world

The main characteristics of the liberal regime are: the separation of powers into legislative, executive and judicial branches at the increasing importance of legislative power, constitutionality, multi, absolute personal freedom, and almost complete restriction of the competence and scope of the state, its interference in the affairs of civil society, economic, social, spiritual processes.

Features of the liberal regime is, above all, it is to some extent, intermediate, transition from totalitarian to democratic or authoritarian. Therefore, the lack of state control of the liberal regime (hypertrophied role as a counterweight to it in previous cases) leads to monopolies in various areas of life: a monopoly in politics - though there is a multi, but real power is often only one party, other parties are not her balances and do not compete with her monopoly in the economy - the lack of equal competition initially leads to economic growth, but then causes a decline in the economy.

In a liberal political regime in a variety of forms of ownership is a continuing priority for public ownership of means of production. But unlike the totalitarian society that is also based on the priority of public property, now allowed the political parties representing the whole spectrum of special interests. Authorities regularly conducts dialogue with representatives of political parties in power structures [2, 215].

The liberal regime took place in Western Europe, where the Socialists came to power (Sweden, Finland, France). But liberal regime occurred in the economy, which effectively developing and society that is already on a democratic path. The socialist experiment in such a pursuit very specific purpose: to find the optimal balance between individual liberty and public interest. Using the tools of violence, the Socialists, not in the distant future by denying the need to replace private property public, tried to subordinate state control and regulation of the major areas of production and consumption. But initiating rapid development of political freedoms, transparency, taking into account public opinion, alternative political and state structures, a liberal regime would collapse in the economy - its effectiveness has dropped sharply during the first steps towards nationalization.

In modern terms the Socialists of France and Spain who are in power, rejected the idea of nationalizing the economy, seeing its devastating impact. Moreover, the privatization process is conducted at their insistence. But the Socialists did not relinquish the utopian idea of the possibility of achieving full equality of people and social justice. Appeal of socialist ideas as a liberal political regime, is now insignificant for the so-called "far abroad", but remains a subject of debate in political circles, the Commonwealth of Independent States and the democracies of Eastern Europe.

The presence of liberal democracy is largely determined implemented effectively matched regime principles and the above criteria. For example, Canada is officially a monarchy, but actually operated by a democratically elected parliament. The UK has the highest authority formally hereditary monarch, but in fact this government has the people, through representatives chosen by him (as there are opposing views that parliamentarism in the UK - just a screen for the absolute monarchy). Monarchy in these countries is largely symbolic.

Scandinavia is the Social-Democracy. This is a high level of social protection, equality in standards of living, free secondary education and health, significant public sector in the economy and high taxes. However, in these countries, no government intervention in the pricing (even in the public sector, with the exception of monopolies), private banks, and there are no barriers to trade, including international, effective laws and transparent system of government safely protect the civil rights of people and property entrepreneurs.

Several organizations and political analysts are rating the level of liberal democracy in the world. These estimates are the most popular Polity Data Set, Freedom in the World, consisting American organization Freedom House index of democracy and the magazine «Economist» [1, 64].

democracyliberal political regime

List of sources

1. Breheda AY Politics: navch. method. Guide to Random. Study. discitis. / AY Breheda. - K.: MBK, 1999. - 108 sec.

2. Politics modeling training I. / I. modeling training, KN Levkovsky, VPAndrushchenko et al.; For common. yet. I. modeling training, KN Levkovskoe. - K.: High School, 1998. - 304 sec.

3. Typы of political regimes [electronic resource] / / State and Government. - Mode of access:. http://state.rin.ru/cgi-bin/main.pl?id=75&r=29.

4. Tsыhankov AP Modern polytycheskye rezhymы [electronic resource] / Sociology in Ukraine. - Mode of access: http://sociolog.in.ua/view_book.php?id=1418.

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