Реферат: Психолингвистика. Словесное манипулирование

Поэтому я считаю, что ученые должны поддерживать и пытаться спасти то, что еще остается от гуманизма в эти странные времена наступления нового тысячелетия.

Список литературы

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Janet, Pierre, 1936. L'intelligence avant le langage. Paris. Flammarion.

Jespersen, O. 1925. Die Sprache, Ihre Natur, Entwicklung und Entstehung, Heidelberg, Winter.

Lemke, J. 1995. Textual politics. Discourse and social dynamics. London. Taylor and Francis.

McLuhan, M. l962. The Gutenberg Galaxy, Toronto, University of Toronto Press.

McLuhan, M. 1964. Understanding media. The extension of man. London. Routledge (9th ed. 1966).

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Orwell, G. 1968. The collected essays, London Seaker and Warburg.

Ralea, Mihail l949. Explication de l'homme, Paris. P.U.F.

Slama-Cazacu, T. l959/196l. Langage et contexte. The Hague. Mouton (Rom. ed. 1959).

Slama-Cazacu, T. l961/1977. Dialogue in children. The Hague (Rom. ed. 1961).

Slama-Cazacu, T. 1964. Comunicarea in procesul muneii ("Communication in the process of work"). Bucuresti, Ed. stiintifica.

Slama-Cazacu, T. 1968/1973. Intruduction to psycholinguistics. The Hague. Mouton (Rom. ed. 1968).

Slama-Cazacu, T. 1969/1970. The power and limits of the social context of language behaviour. Cahiers de linguistique. 1970. VII. 31-41 (Plenary report. Inteniational Congress of Psychology. London, 1969).

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Slama-Cazacu, T. 1991. Limba de lemn ('The langue de bois'). Romania literara. 24, no. 42, 17, Oct. 1991. (in extenso, Paper at a Congress Timisoara 1990, see also IJPL 1997. no 2, Thematic issue).

Slama-Cazacu, T. 1992a. Invazia brutala de termeni straini ('The brutal invasion of forein terms). Romania literara 25. no. 41, 16-22 Dec. 1992. 12-13 (in extenso unpublished Ms; Paper Sofia. 1st. Conference of Applied Linguistics. May 1992)

Slama-Cazacu, T. 1992b. Are any "press conferences" or "interviews" or "dialogues" true dialogues? In Proceedings 2nd Inrernational Conference on Spoken Language Processing. ed. J. Ohala et al.. Edmonton, 683-687.

Slama-Cazacu, T. 1992c. Communicative and cognitive functions of language behaviour, Romanian journal of neurology and psychiatry, 30, no. 2, 147-153.

Slama-Cazacu, T. 1993a. The Nondialogue in the political interrogations. IJPL., 9, no. 1 (25). 73-99.

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