Реферат: The Imperial Period Essay Research Paper The

first railroad was made in St. Petersburg. In 1851 the railroad opened to the public.And

from1853 til 1856 the Crimean war. And nickolia died in 1855.

In 1855 through 1881 alexander II Romanov took over Russia. In 1860 through

1873 the first railroad boom started. 1863 another Polish rebellion acurred. In 1863

thrugh 1865 the law and courts were astablished. In 1877 the war with Turkey began and

ended in the year of 1878. in March 1881 the assassination of Alexander II happened.

` Nickolia II took the empire in 1894 . In 1904 through 1905 the Russo Japanese

War began. In 1905 on a Sunday that Sunday became bloody Sunday for the battle.

In 0906 through 1911 the reformation of the land accures. And in 1911 through 1913 the

Balkan wars take place. And in 1912 my telagram is sent.

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