Реферат: The Need To Legalize Pot Essay Research
former police commissioner, Jo Daly, who was diagnosed with colon cancer. Jo
started chemotherapy for her cancer, but the side effects included “nuclear
implosion.” Then came a burning pain under the nails of her toes and fingers.
The good news was that she eventually found relief. The bad news was that it
came from marijuana. Daly tried Marinol, a substitute the FDA approved as a
synthetic version of THC (marijuana’s psychoactive ingredient), without success
before she ended up turning to pot. Even after the positive results and
outcomes of patients using marijuana, not everyone is in favor of legalizing the
drug. Some people are still uptight about the whole issue of legalizing
marijuana and continue to set aside the benefits of pot. “This proposition is
not about medicine,” charges Orange County Sheriff Brad Gates, co-chairman of
Citizens for a Drug-Free California, the campaign opposing Prop. 215. “It’s
about the legalization of marijuana” (36).
Well, wake up, America! There are far more benefits from the drug then
just medical. Making the drug legally available, with tight regulatory controls,
would end the black market and with it, much of the violence; legalization would
reduce the number of people in prison, which in turn would reduce the government
budget. For 20 years the authorities in Amsterdam have simply ignored the use
of pot, which is regularly sold in 4,000 coffee shops in amounts up to 30 grams
a customer. Their coffee shops sell an estimated $67,500,000 worth each year
(most of which is Dutch-grown) while the Siberia Cafe sells an estimated $1,000
of hash and marijuana a day. It’s all done in the open, with the Dutch
government collecting the taxes on the receipts (Just 114).
It is reckoned that some thirty-million Americans, roughly Canada’s
population, have tried marijuana. Of those, about ten-million smoke pot every
month, and unlike our president, most of them inhale. In Glasgow, one-half of
all students between the ages of 14 and 25 admit to smoking pot “every day.”
Marijuana has become the US’ ‘biggest cash crop’ despite the death penalty for
growing the plant. The estimated thirty-two billion dollar market has spurred