Реферат: The New Deal

would reopen immediately after the bank holiday with government support. Weak banks

would be closed and put into further investigations.

Roosevelt’s second step was to reduce the unemployment and helping the needy and

poor persons. To help people from having their homes foreclosed, FDR proposed the Home

Owner’s Loan Act, which refinanced their mortgages. Federal Emergency Relief

Administration (FERA) was next, to feed the poor. To employ the unemployed, Civil Works

Administration (CWA) was created, which reduced the number of the unemployed by 4 million

and his other programs like CCC, TVA, etc.

In June 1933, the Public Works Administration (PWA) and the National Recovery

Administration (NRA) came to light. The PWA was created to stimulate industry and create

employment in public works. The NRA worked to establish a closer an clearer relationship

between government and business. At the same time, the NRA controlled productivity and

competition while maintained prices, employment, and wages. For agriculture, the New

Deal created the Agricultural Administration (AAA). Interestingly, the AAA enforced

farmers not to plant crops, Further, farmers who did not farm and followed orders were

paid by the AAA.

Within just one year before the end of President Roosevelt’s first term, many new

programs were still, including the Social Security, Works Progress Administration (WPA),

National Labor Relations Act, and Public Utilities Holding Company Act. By the end of

President’s Roosevelt’s first term, the New Deal program had helped a dynamic range of

people who were struck by the depression and needed help, from the unemployed, elderly,

farmers, even business, just to name a few.

But critics came against the New Deal. First, it came from the Supreme Court then

businesses. They think NRA surpassed the federal powers to control the interstate commerce

and the New Deal sided too closely with workers and farmers. Despite of the problems that the

New Deal left for the future presidents to solve, the New Deal did brought many good things to

the American Society. Although not everybody will experience the American Dream, some did

have the chance after the New Deal era, especially during and after the economic boom of the

World War II. A continuation of the progressive tradition. Although, the New Deal failed to

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