Реферат: The Scarlet Letter The Symbol Of The
her next life. To the Puritans she is shamed, yet to the heavens she is honored
as a repentant sinner who has returned to the loving arms of her Creator.
Finally, Hester’s scarlet emblem is found on the outside, while the mark that
her lover Dimmesdale is found in “his inmost heart.” Though Hester and
Dimmesdale are both branded with the scarlet “A”, there is a world of difference
between their badges of shame, for Hester’s scarlet token is embroidered in
dazzling gold thread and is displayed for everyone to see, showing that she
hides nothing, while Dimmesdale’s letter is branded on his chest: hidden from
the public eye, yet with an effect that is more potent than that of the scarlet
token on Hester’s breast. Indeed, the heat of glowing metal inflicts a far
greater pain than that of needle and thread, the throb of fire against skin is
more potent than a pin on a piece of cloth; though Hester may have to endure the
taunts of the pitiless Puritans, at least, unlike Dimmesdale, she does not have
to endure those of her own creation. Therefore, it can be concluded that Hester
was better off wearing the letter, for by a enduring a lifetime of pain and
agony, she escapes an eternity of unbearable torment.
The scarlet letter restrains Hester’s passionate nature in her
appearance, transforming her into a colorless and faceless woman, yet her
passion finds another outlet in the deep recesses of her own mind; Hester is
liberated by the scarlet letter since she discovers an intellectual passion as a
release from a dull and monotonous existence. Hester’s physical appearance may
be one of “marble coldness”, yet buried underneath those marble slabs her “newly
emancipated” intellect burns with great fervor. The pure yet hard marble
represents the Hester seen by the people; Solid and dependable, possessing a
serene yet pallid beauty. The vibrance that once dominated her features now
dominates her thoughts, her warm passion this time finding release in the
richness of her brilliant mind. “Hester [imbibes] the spirit” of intellectual
emancipation. Her passion, which once flowed generously in her physical
appearance, is now geared towards the exploration of her mind’s inner depths. A