Статья: Охрана сокола-балобана и соколиная охота

1 - Болгария

2 - Австрия

3 - Словакия

4 - Поволжье

5 - Казахстан

6 - Наурзум

Коллапс некоторых популяций балобана.

За 100 % взят наивысший уровень из известных для каждой популяции. Использованы данные: Болгария - Baumgart, 1977; Data of the Birds of Prey Protection Society of Bulgaria, 2002; Австрия - Bauer, 1977; Словакия - Hudec, Иernэ, 1977; Slбdek, 1977; Поволжье - Galushin et al., 2001; Казахстан - Levin, 2001; Наурзумский заповедник (Казахстан) - Bragin, 2001.

Список литературы

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Badam, Kh. (2000) CITES and sustainable use of Saker Falcon in Mongolia. P. 202-208. In: E. Potapov, S. Banzragch, N.C. Fox and N.W.H. Barton - Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on the Saker Falcon and Houbara Bustard.

Bagyura J., Haraszthy L. and Szitta T. (1994)

Methods and results of Saker Falcon Falco cherrug management and conservation in Hungary. In: Meyburg B.U. and Chancellor R. Eds. Raptor conservation today. Pica press.

Bagyura J., Szitta T., Haraszthy L., Kallay G., Demeter I., Sandor I., Duda M. and Vaszlo L. (2003) Population trend of the Saker Falcon (Falco cherrug) in Hungary between 1980 and 2002. Abstracts of the 6Th World Conference on birds of Prey and Owls, Budapest, Hungary, 18-23 May 2003. Vol. 2.

Baumgart W. (1977) Falke 24. P. 154-158.

Baumgart W. (1991) Der Sakerfalke. Wittenberg, Lutherstadt.

Bйcsy and Keve (1977) Proc. World Conf. Birds of Prey, 1975, Vienna. P. 125-129.

Cramp S. and Simmons K.E.L. (1980) Birds of Western Palearctic. Oxford University Press. Vol. 2: Hawks to Bustards.

Galushin V., Moseikin V., Sanin N., Vetrov V., Karyakin I. (2000) Internal report to Falcon Research Institute, UK.

Galushin V.M. et. al. (2001) Saker Falcon breeding range and populations in European Russia. In: Potapov E., Banzragch S., Fox N. and Barton N. (Eds) Saker Falcon in Mongolia: Research and Conservation. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of the Middle East Falcon Research Group. P. 34-43.

Hudec and Иernэ (1977) Fauna ИSSR, Prague.

Kreuzberg-Mukhina E. (2001) Large falcons and problems of their protection in Uzbekistan. In: Potapov E., Banzragch, S., Fox N. and Barton N. (Eds) Saker Falcon in Mongolia: Research and Conservation. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of the Middle East Falcon Research Group. P. 101-109.

Levin A. (2001) On the critical state of the Saker Falcon population in Kazakhstan. In: Potapov E., Banzragch S., Fox N. and Barton N. (Eds) Saker Falcon in Mongolia: Research and Conservation. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of the Middle East Falcon Research Group. P. 64-79.

Pusзariu and Filipasзu (1977) Proc. World Conf. Birds of Prey, 1975, Vienna. P. 148-152.

Riddle K.E. and Remple J.D. (1994) Use of the Saker and other large falcons in Middle East falconry. In: B.-U. Meyburg and R.D. Chancellor (Eds) Raptor Conservation Today, Pica Press. P. 415-420.

Ryabsev V. (2001) Saker Falcon in the Baikal region . In: Potapov E., Banzragch S., Fox N. and Barton N. (Eds) Saker Falcon in Mongolia: Research and Conservation. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of the Middle East Falcon Research Group. P. 58-63.

Shagdarsuren O., Sumya D., Gombobaatar S., Potapov E. and Fox N.C. (2000) Saker falcon in Mongolia: numbers and distribution. In: E. Potapov, S. Banzragch, N.C. Fox and N.W.H. Barton - Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on the Saker Falcon and Houbara Bustard. P. 25-33.

Shukurov E. and Davletbakov A. (2001) Saker Falcon (Falco cherrug) in Kyrgistan. In: Potapov E., Banzragch S., Fox N. and Barton N. (Eds) Saker Falcon in Mongolia: Research and Conservation. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of the Middle East Falcon Research Group. P. 95-100.

Stoyanov G. and Kouzmanov G. (1998) Nuevos datos sobre la poblacion del Halcon Sacre Falco cherrug en Bulgaria. In: Chancellor R., Meyburg B.U. and Ferrero, eds. Holarctic birds of prey. P. 357-362.

Slбdek (1977) Proc. World Conf. Birds of Prey 1975, Vienna. P. 87-91.

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