Топик: Биография Д.И. Менделеева
In three years at the son was born. Dmitry Ivanovich together with the friend the professor Iljinym buys from the ruined prince small , nearby to Klin, moves there and with starts to be engaged in an agriculture.
However, the hobby it was not casual: Mendeleyev for a long time missed the nature.
In it is good it{him}. It{he} walked much, exploited, strove on the skilled field, and in the evenings quite often met herd going from a pasture. It{he} very much loved all this. But business not only in it. Experiences which it{he} puts, serve one purpose. His{its} science should to people concrete advantage{benefit}. Here, in , it{he} brings up in itself(himself) other attitude{relation} to business: work of the scientist should not be outside of communication{connection} with practice. And right at the end of the life it{he} will recollect these days and will write about experiences: <they are important for me because justify all my further attitude{relation} to the industry>., it appears, when it{he} started to think of the future.
For now still it{he} walked with the son on glades, with boyish passion played on a lawn in a croquet, pottered on a current, collected just the bought thresher. Also it was visible, that here, in , it{he} feels like itself(himself), freely and happily.
So thought, looking at him{it}, his{its} wife. She{it} thought, that so will be always, that Dmitry Ivanovich has understood, at last, where and in what his{its} happiness. From one only these ideas the wave of silent pleasure overflew her{it}.
But she{it} was mistaken. In its{her} husband the great scientist at that time ripened. It{he} did not think of it. She{it} simply did not understand it.
And again Petersburg. The idea on chemical affinity of elements which has come within students, again excited it{him}. It{he} has been absolutely firmly convinced, that by all means should exist certain law - imperous, relentless which defines{determines} this affinity or distinction of the elements occupying the world.
How many up to him{it} was attempt - naive, far-fetched - find this law, obeying it{him} to place all elements on harmonous system... At that time chemists have opened and <have measured> 64 elements, knew their nuclear weights so the material for work already was. There was no only a person who would manage to penetrate into this secret laying as it seemed, somewhere nearby and nevertheless inaccessible.
French chemist Shankurtua searched for law, having arranged elements on the screw cutting put on worth cylinder. All is vain.
English chemist Njulends, the person, probably, the refined nature, tensely searched for a solution with the help of music. It{he} trusted, that those parities{ratio} which exist between elements, are similar to parities{ratio} between musical tone and his{its} octave. construct the system, it is artificial pushing in it{her} elements, them under those sizes which itself and has prepared. The system was, but the system of elements was not. it was necessary to go through minutes when chairman of the British congress of scientists has asked it{him}, not hiding irony: whether <dear gentleman tried to arrange elements alphabetically and whether it{he} has seen thus of any laws?>
Mendeleyev looked in the essence of the phenomena and did not try to search for any external communication{connection} uniting all elements in the base of a universe. It{he} tried to understand - that them connects and that defines{determines} their properties. Mendeleyev has arranged elements on increase of their nuclear weight and began to grope law between nuclear weight and other chemical properties of elements. It{he} tried to understand ability of elements to attach to itself(himself) atoms of relatives or to give the.
It{He} has armed with lots of cards and has written on one party{side} the name of an element, and on other - it nuclear weight and formulas of his{its} some major connections. It{he} again and again shifted these cards, stacking them on properties of elements. And in his{its} consciousness any new laws emerged, and it{he} with the familiar excitement previous to opening, cautiously moved ahead further and further. Hours it{he} sat, having declined above the table, again and again peering into records, and felt, how the head and as eyes were dimmed with a shivering veil started to be turned from a pressure{voltage}...
Speak, that in dream to it{him} there has come inspiration and that at night to it{him} as, in what order it is necessary to spread out those cards that all has lain in the places under the law of the nature. Can be. The brain of the person always is awake. But there was Mendeleyev to this enlightenment years! It{he} moved ahead intelligently, beforehand planning and expecting each next step. Can, and there was that inspiration, but it{he} cannot be named casual.
Mendeleyev has found communication{connection} even between the most unlike elements. It{he} has found out, that properties of elements if them to place in ascending order nuclear weights, through correct intervals repeat. Mendeleyev understood: accident it could not be. Then it{he} has made last - deciding step: has arranged all elements also on groups, having united in separate families of close relatives. It{he} so clearly saw harmony of the system created by him{it}, that, having noticed absence of an element between aluminium and the titan, has left to it{him} an empty seat. Such empty cells{cages} it was necessary to leave two more. Mendeleyev's system allowed it{him} to expect opening.
First of them has followed in four years. The element for which Mendeleyev has left a place and properties which nuclear weight it{he} has predicted, has suddenly appeared! Young French chemist Lekok has sent the letter in the Parisian academy of sciences. In it{him} it was spoken: <The day before yesterday, on August, 27, 1875, between two and four o'clock in the morning I have found out a new element in a mineral zinc from mine Pjerfitt in Pyrenees>. But the most amazing still was necessary.
Mendeleyev has predicted, still leaving for this element a place, that his{its} density should be 5,9. And asserted{approved}: the element open by him{it} has density 4,7. Mendeleyev, and in eyes not seeing new it and is more surprising than elements - themes, declares, that the French chemist was mistaken in calculations. But also appeared : it{he} assured, that was exact. This dispute resembled any game in which participated . This magician carried Russian name.
Hardly later after additional measurements it was found out: Mendeleyev was unconditionally right. The first element, filling an empty place in the table, has named gallium in honour of the native land of France. And to anybody then has not occurred to name it{him} of the person who has predicted existence of this element, person who has once and for all predetermined a way of development of chemistry. It was made by scientists of the twentieth century. Mendeleyev's name carries an element open by the Soviet physicists.
... And houses at him{it} all goes somehow inconsistently. To it{him} it is lonely. It{he} for a long time already knows, that it{him} never will understand. She{it} wants, that it{he} was the provisional family man and all free time from teaching carried out{spent} together with it{her} in village. And it{he} cannot. became for him{it} a stage in a life, and this stage appeared already behind.
Mendeleyev for some months leaves for America - study local methods of an oil recovery. America surprises it{him}: it{he} expected to see something absolutely other. The first city of staff - New York. It{he} has seemed to the great chemist simply ordinary-looking, reminding the big district cities of Russia. The well-known petrocrafts? But it{he} anywhere did not meet more thoughtless attitude{relation} to natural riches...
However, it{he} did not meet still much in a life, this large, hardly the man with a fair-haired beard and long hair. To it{him} for forty, but it{he} did not meet very important in a life that fills with its{her} special, quivering sense. It{he} yet did not like.
They have got acquainted in the house of his{its} senior sister. Her{it} called Anna, she{it} was a daughter of the Cossack colonel and so did not resemble all girls whom it{he} met before... She{It} was harmonous, slow, under dense black eyebrowes the big grey eyes shined, and a head decorated long, heavy . She{it} has arrived to Petersburg to act{arrive} in the Academy of arts, and has remained in this city for ever. She{it} has found here of what is not courageous to dream and in the most courageous dreams.
It{He} has fallen in love with it{her} as the boy. First it{he} at all did not understand, that to it{him} occurs: near to it{her} it{he} felt sharp attacks of loneliness. It was very similar to how the person, from thirst in desert, near to a source feels tortures more sharply. It{he} avoided her{it}, was hidden on the half of house, but should force to not think in any way itself of it{her}.
Father of her{it}, having learned{having found out}, however coldly she{it} has costed with the groom, disturbed, has gone to Petersburg here again has learned{has found out} that all knew: his{its} daughter and Mendeleyev like each other. However hopes at them any was not. divorce to allow did not agree, and father Anna ordered to demand to it{her} from Mendeleyev, that it{he} will not search with it{her} for meetings. Mendeleyev promised.
But promised . It{he} simply could not constrain the word. It{him} attracted in those places where as it{he} knew, it was possible to meet her{it}. It{he} entered into a building of the Academy of arts and waited for her{it}, being hidden for columns, disappearing in shadows of halls. It{he} also behaves as the boy.
Father Anna undertakes one more step: it{he} sends the daughter for the winter to Italy.
There was a frosty December, and Mendeleyev, looking in a window of the car, compressed a hat in hands. It was foggy, and it seemed to it{him}, that they more never will meet...
She{It} has left, and it{he} wrote to it{her} the letter behind the letter and lowered{omitted} them in a box attached to a table behind which worked. In fact it{he} promised to not remind of itself(himself)...
Then it{he} accepted time to go to Algeria - on chemical congress. His{its} friend
- Beketov, seeing hopeless despair with which Mendeleyev got ready for a trip, has not born and has rushed off to in . On what it{he} expected, knowing her{it}, it was not clear, however contrary to any reasonable logic has managed to convince her{it} to give freedom to the husband. Having secured with the consent to divorce, Beketov on wings has departed to Petersburg and has hardly - hardly found Mendeleyev before departure for quay.