Топик: Grammatical difference between British and American English

plow plough

defense defence

jail gaol

center centre

apologize apologise

Grammatical difference.

Grammatical differences of american variant consist in following:

1. In that events, when Britainians use Present Perfect, in Staffs can be used and Present Perfect, and Past Simple.

2. Take a shower/a bath instead of have a shower/a bath.

3. Shall is not used. In all persons is used by will.

4. Needn't (do) usually is not used. Accustomed form -don't need to (do).

5. After demand, insist, require etc should usually is NOT used. I demanded that he apologize (instead of I demanded that he should apologise in british variant).

6. to/in THE hospital instead of to/in hospital in BrE.

7. on the weekend/on weekend instead of at the weekend/at weekend.

8. on a street instead of in a street.

9. Different from or than instead of different to/from

10. Write is used with to or without the pretext.

11. Past participle of "got" is "gotten"

12. To burn, to spoil and other verbs, which can be regular or

irregular in the british variant, in the american variant ALWAYS


13. Past Perfect, as a rule, is not used completely.


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