Топик: The People Trade

People - smuggling networks adjust quickly to such changes. In Fujian, one family's 18 years old son left home in April. Jin Xicai (not his real name) wanted something more then this job repairing mobile phones in Fujian. The family couldn't afford to send him to the Unites States, so it settled for the less costly trip to Britain. On April 3, Jin hopped a train to Beijing, joining other would-be emigrants in the capital. Snaakeheads had promised him a plane ride to Europe, but instead Jin was hustled onto a train for the week - long trans - Siberian trek to Moscow. He crossed the China - Russia border using a genuine Chinese passport. It had been procured on the black market; the original photograph had been carefully razored off and replaced by a photo of Jin.

When Jin phoned home from Moscow; he said he was being held under armed guard. Snakeheads had confiscated his documents, luggage and spare clothes to prevent him from escaping. His next phone call came from somewhere in the Czech Republic. To get there he had apparently traveled by train, truck, even a horse - drawn cart. Then came a few more phone calls - from Germany and, finally, Holland.

Jin's phone calls point to a well - traveled route from Fujian to Europe (map). Moscow is a fovered transit point because of relaxed visa requirements for Chinese citizens. At any given time there are said to be more than 200000 Chinese in Moscow en route to other countries. Belgrade is another favorite, for the same reason. Serbian press reports say that 40000 Chinese have settled in Yugoslavia since 1995. From Belgrade it's easy to slip into Western Europe via Bosnia's porous frontiers.

Краткое содержание.


Special report.

Europe needs workers: immigrants want a better life. Inside the shadowy - and dangerous - world of human smuggling. People-smuggling networks are the travel agents of illegal immigration. Their business is big and growing. The networks trafficking in Chinese migrants alone are said to take in three billion dollars a year.

Fujian – the most impotant place in the China, from people illegally emigrate on west.

Fujian – the center of human smuggling. In the Asian countries life very heavy and the people search of more worthy existence. They choose the countries which are very rich and in which it is possible to earn. The people try to get over through border by any ways. They are ready even to go in inhuman conditions to get in other country. Many died trying. The emigrants often choose England and Italy, as the country of the future residing, but these countries do not want them to see at themselves. Because many emigrants, which come, render harm to economy, they fill in all hospitals, all parks, all premises of city, are engaged in illegal earnings, and some who could not find job, become criminals. England and Italy actively struggle against illegal entrance of the emigrants on territory of the country.

It is favourable business - human smuggling. Many try on it to earn. For the large money they promise to transport the people in other countries, even without the documents. These organizations search for ways to these countries not directly through China, and transit through Russia or Czechia for example. Therefore it is very difficult to the countries to trace a flow of the emigrants. Now countries of Europe have a new task. To struggle not it is so much with the emigrants, how much with organizations, which carry out an illegal way of emigration of the people.

The end.

The dictionary:

Smuggling – контрабанда.

Suspicious – подозрительный.

Authorities – власти.

Hunch – догадка.

To trundle – ехать.

Piles - груды.

Calamity – бедствие.

Political turmoil - политическая суматоха.

Europe's robust prosperity - здравое процветание Европы.

Desperately – отчаянно.

Asylum-seekers - ищущие убежища.

Blurred – cтертый.

Prosperous – преуспевающий.

Pressures – давления.

Lifeboat - cпасательная шлюпка.

Benefits – выгоды.

Slack – слабый.

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