Сочинение Autumn in Kharkiv

    Autumn is boring time. Our country sinks in a deep fairy dream. And I know the dream is autumn. The wind flies, tears leaves off, from every tree, from every bush,-yellow tired leaves. Naked trees are frozen, and they are waiting when this cold ends and when the beautiful spring gives them new green clothes and new powers. People, like sleeping flies. Don’t know what to do. Like ants, they run to find a small piece of summer. But there’s autumn. Autumn is dim, tired, sleeping, and rainy. Rains pour over our dim earth. Maybe, these are angels, who cry because of the autumn. Wet and windy, it is autumn in Kharkiv.
     Let’s switch on our imaginations! Maybe, it is not stuffs, which make all leaves yellow, which discompose in combinations of different colours? Maybe, it’s magic autumn, who flies with a magic wand in her hands and points leaves in different colours? And the wind spins them in the air and after that, puts them like a blanket, which covers the earth. And maybe it isn’t sleeping aunts? Maybe, it’s people, who are just drowned in their dreams? You see? It’s better when you switch on your imagination. And even me, complete pessimist, can do it.
     In autumn, we live in our own worlds, the worlds, the worlds of our dreams. Every evening, when we close our eyes, we imagine a bright painting, a bright autumn with no rains. We dip in the ocean of dreams. But can we live in these oceans? We must transfer all what is positive to our friends. Even in autumn in Kharkiv there are so many interesting things. And if you combine these two worlds (your dreams and your simple life) you’ll get a fairy tale in reality.
     It’s autumn in Kharkiv. Or autumn, which you’ll make yourself. Make it bright, funny, kind, interesting. What is the main in bright autumn, is not things, which are around you, the main is positive people, who can make the autumn kind themselves.

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