Сочинение Our School Country

    My name is Marina. I study in 9”G” form.
    In our form 13 boys and 12 girls. We often gather together: we hiking campaigns spend evenings, go to the cinema, museums, and excursions. Our form is very friendly. Our form chief, Galina Mihailovna, likes us very much and always helps us. We are not ideals in study of course but we are always ready to help to each other.

    “STAR WAY”

    At the beginner of the last academic year the game “Star Way” began. The various competitions are often held each month at school. We took part in all games and often won. At the end of one year at the school meeting we were announced the winners. We were very good glad. The game “Star Way” began again and we shall try to win.


    We have a lot of remarkable teachers. We listen to our teachers with interest. The mathematics teacher, Galina Mihailovna, teaches us to decide the equations, to prove the theorems. The save-life’s teacher, Oleg Valentinovich, teachers us to act correctly in different vital situations. The English teacher, Svetlana Dilfarovna, acquaints us with the British customs, traditions, and teachers to make correctly the sentences, to talk in English, to read in English.


     More than 1000 men study at our school. We studied in two changes earlier, now in one. Our director, Sheronova Ludmila Petrovna, likes the schoolchildren very much and understand them well. The various events are organized at the school center. The disco is held each Friday. The holiday “Halloween” is organized this year. The fair is held in a dinning-room school each year. Sports competitions often take place at our school. The school lives by active life.

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