1. When we got up the sun ... . a) already rose b) had already risen c) has already risen 2. many years ago people ... . a) wore funny clothes b) wear funny clothes c) hd worn funny clothes 3. I ... home very early yesterday af...

1. When we got up the sun ... . a) already rose b) had already risen c) has already risen 2. many years ago people ... . a) wore funny clothes b) wear funny clothes c) hd worn funny clothes 3. I ... home very early yesterday afternoon/ a) had come b) ws coming c) came 4. Whn we entered the hall the music ... loudly. a) was playing b) played c) had played 5. while my friend ... I was watching the birds. a) fished b) had fished c) was fishing 6. he said I ... up the story myself. a) made b) make c) had made 7. my elder brother ... school 3 years ago. a) finishes b) finished c) had finished 8. before mother called us she ... the table. a) set b) ws setting c) had set
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1. When we got up the sun had already risen.2. Many years ago people wore funny clothes.3. I came home very early yesterday afternoon.4. When we entered the hall the music was playing loudly.5. While my friend was fishing, I was watching the birds.6. He said I had made up the story myself.7. My elder brother finished school 3 years ago.8. Before mother called us she had set the table.
1.b 2.c 3.a 4.c 5.a 6.b 7.b 8.a
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