Ex. 2. Fill in the correct pronouns. c) My aunt and uncle live in Paris. … house is very big. They do most of the work … . My aunt works in the garden and … friends say it is the best garden in the world! My uncle does most of ...

Ex. 2. Fill in the correct pronouns. c) My aunt and uncle live in Paris. … house is very big. They do most of the work … . My aunt works in the garden and … friends say it is the best garden in the world! My uncle does most of the painting … , but … friend, Mr. Brown often helps … . d) 1. I heard a noise, but my father couldn’t hear … . 2. Would you like … chocolate? 3. … left a book in the classroom. It is on the floor. 4. I am afraid there is … coffee left. Can you go and by some? 5. She doesn’t know … about history. 6. … has stolen my bag. 7. Are there … cakes left? I am hungry. 8. I want to go … interesting on holiday. 9. I can’t find my glasses. They are … . 10. I am thirsty. I have had … to drink all day.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
c. their.there.her.there.his.him. d. it.some.i.no.anything.he.any.somewhere. on the table. nothing
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