Напишите плиз, цифры на английском 36, 49,56, 66,148,256,1269,2444

Напишите плиз, цифры на английском 36, 49,56, 66,148,256,1269,2444
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
thirty-six - 36 forty-nine - 49 fifty-six - 56 sixty-six - 66 one hundred forty-eight - 148 two hundred fifty-six - 256 one thousand two hundred sixty-nine - 1269 two thousand four hundred forty-four - 2444
36-therty six 49-forty nine 56-fifty six 66-sixty six 148- one hundred and fourty eight 256-two hundred and fifty six 1269-one housand two hundred sixty nine 2444- two housand four fourty four :)
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