Напишите мне не много про тинейжеров ,на английском кратко_0плизз

Напишите мне не много про тинейжеров ,на английском кратко_0плизз
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
Teenager - boy or girl in the transition from childhood to adolescence age. Modern science defines adolescence, depending on the country (region of residence) and cultural and national characteristics, as well as sex (from 12-14 to 15-17 years). Man in the transition to adulthood becomes too aggressive and impetuous. Self-esteem starts to loose. The teenager feels comfortable only in the circle of his friends and (or) in odinochestve.Podrostkam important to evaluate themselves and their place in the world, and not a group of teenagers, to which he belongs.
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