Очень срочно,помогите перевести текст на английски без лексических ошибок( не так чтобы набор слов, а чтоб правильно)

Очень срочно,помогите перевести текст на английски без лексических ошибок( не так чтобы набор слов, а чтоб правильно)Экологическое состояние многих районов нашей страны вызывает законную тревогу общественности. В многочисленных публикациях показано, что во многих регионах нашей страны наблюдается устойчивая тенденция к многократному, в десятки и более раз превышению санитарно-гигиенических норм по содержанию в атмосфере городов окислов углерода, азота, пыли, токсичных соединений металлов, аминов и других вредных веществ. Имеются серьезные проблемы с мелиорацией земель, бесконтрольным применением в сельском хозяйстве минеральных удобрений, чрезмерным использованием пестицидов, гербицидов. Происходит загрязнение сточными водами промышленных и коммунальных предприятий больших и малых рек, озер, прибрежных морских вод. Из-за постоянного загрязнения атмосферного воздуха, поверхностных и подземных вод, почв, растительности происходит деградация экосистем, сокращение продуктивных возможностей биосферы.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
The ecological condition of many areas of our country was a legitimate public concern.Numerous publications have shown that, in many regions of our country there is a steady tendency to repeatedly in dozens of times or more exceedances of health standards on the content of the atmosphere in the cities of oxides of carbon, nitrogen, dust, toxic metal compounds, amines and other harmful substances.There are serious problems with land reclamation, the uncontrolled use of agricultural fertilizers, excessive use of pesticides, herbicides.There is pollution from sewage and industrial utility companies large and small rivers, lakes, coastal marine waters.Because of the ongoing pollution of the air, surface and ground water, soil, vegetation, degradation of ecosystems, reduction of the productive capacities of biosphere.
The ecological condition of many areas of our country was a legitimate public concern. Numerous publications have shown that, in many regions of our country there is a steady tendency to repeatedly in dozens of times or more exceedances of health standards for content in the atmosphere of cities oxides of carbon, nitrogen, dust, toxic metal compounds, amines and other harmful substances. There are serious problems with land reclamation, the uncontrolled use of agricultural fertilizers, excessive use of pesticides, herbicides. There is pollution from sewage and industrial and utility companies, large and small rivers, lakes, coastal marine waters. Because of the ongoing pollution of the air, surface and ground water, soil, vegetation, degradation of ecosystems, reduction of the productive capacities of biosphere.
The ecological condition of many areas of our country was a legitimate public concern. Numerous publications have shown that, in many regions of our country there is a steady tendency to repeatedly in dozens of times or more exceedances of health standards for content in the atmosphere of cities oxides of carbon, nitrogen, dust, toxic metal compounds, amines and other harmful substances. There are serious problems with land reclamation, the uncontrolled use of agricultural fertilizers, excessive use of pesticides, herbicides. There is pollution from sewage and industrial and utility companies, large and small rivers, lakes, coastal marine waters. Because of the ongoing pollution of the air, surface and ground water, soil, vegetation, degradation of ecosystems, reduction of the productive capacities of biosphere.
The ecological condition of many areas of our country causes lawful alarm of the public. In numerous publications it is shown that in many regions of our country the steady tendency to repeated, in tens and more time to excess of sanitary-and-hygienic norms under the maintenance in atmosphere of cities of oxides of carbon, nitrogen, a dust, toxic connections of metals, аминов and other harmful substances is observed. There are serious problems with land reclamation, uncontrolled application in agriculture of mineral fertilizers, excessive use of pesticides, herbicides. There is a pollution by sewage of the industrial and municipal enterprises of the big and small rivers, lakes, coastal sea waters. Because of constant pollution of atmospheric air, superficial and underground waters, soils, vegetation there is a degradation of ecosystems, reduction of productive possibilities of biosphere.
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