Перевести на английский

Перевести на английский1он ушел не сказав ни слова
2яркий свет проникал через окно
3я отправился на экскурсию несмотря на дождь
4директор не встретиться с вами, если вы ему не позвоните по крайней мере за два дня
5спортсмены подняли флаг на вершину горы
6он говорил со мной так, как будто я глухой
7он пытался найти оправдание своему опазданию
8 они настаивали на том, чтобы вопрос был пересмотрен
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
He left without saying a word bright light penetrated through the window I went on a tour despite the rain Director did not meet with you, if you do not call him at least two days athletes raised the flag on top of the mountain He spoke to me as if I was deaf He tried to find justification for their opazdaniem They insisted that the issue has been reviewed http://translate.google.com.ua/#
1, he left without saying a word 2 bright light penetrated through the window 3, I went on a tour despite the rain 4 director does not meet with you, if you do not call him at least two days 5 athletes raised the flag on top of the mountain 6, he spoke to me as if I was deaf 7, he tried to find justification for his opazdaniem 8 And they insisted that the issue has been reviewed
It has left without having told words Bright light got through a window I have gone on excursion despite a rain The director not to meet you if you do not call it at least for two days Sportsmen have hoisted the colours on mountain top He spoke with me as if I to the deaf person He tried to find the justification to the opazdaniem They insisted on that the question has been reconsidered 100%ПЕРЕВОД НИЖЕ ВСЁ ФИГНЯ
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