Помогите з сочинением...на тему..надо на англ соченение на тему мой любимый парень,или мой парень,мой близкий человек...

Помогите з сочинением...на тему..надо на англ соченение на тему мой любимый парень,или мой парень,мой близкий человек...
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Friendship as one of the most important aspects in our life. Do the people really need to keep company with somebody or can they do without friendship? Let’s try to find out what friendship is and what exactly it implies. Many years ago in prehistoric times when there was no civilization at all and the human society didn’t have so highly developed material and spiritual resources as it has today, people clustered together for the purpose of surviving. They realized that they strongly needed someone to rely on in various life situations, extreme in particular. Nowadays people can easily ensure their safety, provide themselves with the necessities of life and cope with almost any difficulty by themselves. Does it follow from this that people don’t really need any comrades today? Actually, it sounds ridiculous. It is clear that people do need friends, especially now that the life is so busy and bustling. So, what qualities can make us true friends and how can we become real friends to someone? In my view, friendship must be based on trust, so that you can let someone into your life without any fear. Therefore, a real friend is one you can trust; with whom you can share not only your failures but also your successes; one you can always rely on; who you can expect to give you some neat advice; who will encourage you in your undertakings and will stop you if you’re going to do something wrong. True friendship implies readiness to help in all kinds of situations. A close person will always offer his help when you really need it; he will support you both in word and deed. In my opinion it is better to have a few close friends than a wide circle of friends, because “so-called” friends will never give you the support your one and only true friend will. Some people can just pretend to be your friends to take advantage of you. However, they aren’t even ready to listen to you when you need somebody to confide in. To sum it up, friendship is one of the most important things in our life and those who have found true friends are lucky dogs indeed.
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