Проект по английскому на тему "welfare state". проверьте пожалуйста...кому несложно)))
Проект по английскому на тему "welfare state". проверьте пожалуйста...кому несложно)))I think there is no ideal thing in our world. But I’ll try to describe maximal effective welfare state. Benefits. Of course welfare state should pay benefits for its citizens. But only those who really need it should receive benefits. They are pensioners, the disabled, widows with little children and invalids. To my mind unemployed and homeless shouldn’t get money from the state, because they are to be guilty for their being unemployed and homeless and if they want to be rich and happy they can do it themselves. Medical care. Welfare state should pay for medical service. Hospitals should treat for free only those patients, whose diseases are dangerous for their health. Certainly plastic operations won’t be paid by state. Education. Child is the future of any country. State should take care about them. Important parts of children’s life are school and university. Every country wants to have good specialists. That’s why education should be free. From my point of view education should be compulsory for all kids. Culture. Most of countries have their own culture. The state should remember about it and support it. Culture can rally nation during bad events like war. Sport. Sport is important part of people’s lives. And it helps citizens to be healthy. Sportsmen are representatives of country at international competitions. Because of it the state should finance sport. As I already said there is no ideal thing in our world. But sate which helps its citizens, takes care about children, provides medical help, remembers about sport and supports culture is very close to being ideal. That’s my opinion.
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"because they are to be guilty for" - такое сочетание to be to be выражает долженствование, и если мне не изменяет память, со значением "по плану". Оно употребляется довольно редко, и, честно говоря, я не уверен, что оно здесь подходит. Предлагаю просто заменить to be guilty на responsible. "only those patients" - эти слишком по-русски. Указательные местоимения в английском языке не служат для конкретизации. those или patience лучше убрать. "Child"? Упустили артикль или не дописали слово? И далее устоявшаяся фраза "take care of". "Sport is important part" - впихните an, а то некрасиво смотрится. Около country тоже артикль нужен. В остальном - проделана хорошая работа. Видно знание вводных конструкций, есть план, есть заключение. Ну и ошибок грубых нет.
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