Заполните пропуски правильной формой глагола, данного в скобках: 1. What … you … (think) of James Bond movies? 2. What kind of job … your wife … (do)? 3. I’m sorry, I … (feel) too tired to go out this evening. 4. We … (not trav...

Заполните пропуски правильной формой глагола, данного в скобках: 1. What … you … (think) of James Bond movies? 2. What kind of job … your wife … (do)? 3. I’m sorry, I … (feel) too tired to go out this evening. 4. We … (not travel) by train very often. 5. The film … (end) with a wedding. 6. The heroine … (prefer) to be with Paul because James … (argue; always). 7. We … always (smell) cooking when we … (pass) your house. 8. I … never (use) my mobile phone when I … (drive).
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1. What do you think of James Bond movies? 2. What kind of job does your wife do? 3. I’m sorry, I feel too tired to go out this evening. 4. We don't travel by train very often. 5. The film ends with a wedding. 6. The heroine prefers to be with Paul because James always argues. 7. We always smell cooking when we pass your house. 8. I never use my mobile phone when I drive.
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