Дипломная работа: Affixation in modern english
1). A suffix may be analyzed by the general speaker as having two contituent elements, the basis as an independent morpheme and the suffix as a derivative element. This is the case of the preceding types lemonade and land-scape . This process of direct re-interpretation is the form secretion commonly assumes.
2). A suffix is not made up of two constituent elements as far as the general speaker is concerned. If aristocracy , democracy , plutocracy yield more or less jocular words such as landocracy , mobocracy , cottoncracy , this is due to a meeting and blending of two heterogeneous structural systems: a certain structural element of one linguistic system is isolated and introduced into another linguistic system. The speaker with a knowledge of Greek isolates – ocracy «rule» in a series of 6 reek-coined words and introduces it as a derivative element into the structural system of English. But dependent structural elements are tied up with certain morphologic conditions of the linguistic system to which they belong and cannot there fore be naturally transplanted, unlike words, which are independent lexical elements, not subject to any specific morphological conditions. Such coinages are felt to be hybrids by the word-coiner himself, so the process is not used for serious purposes as a rule. Admittance of such foreign derivative elements is also impeded by the fact that they bear no resemblance to any morpheme with which the hearer of the hybrid suffix is familiar. The linguistic situation is different with foreign-coined words of which one element is immediately associated with a morpheme of the hearers language. Words like barometer , thermometer are automatically connected with the independent word mater whose unstressed allomorph the words contain. This explains the rise and currency of speedometer , cream ometer and quite recent drunkometer .
But otherwise, hybrid coinages of this derivative pattern will always have a limited range of currency or the tinge of faketiousness, as bumpology , bumposopher (both jocular from hump «protuberance on the cranium as the sign of special mental faculies» ), storiology , weather logy, dollolaty a. o. Parallel to the above words in – ocracy are such in – ocrat, as mobocrat bancrat bankocrat . Very similar to the case of barometer / speed omoter is that of the American suffix – fest . Fom the German words Sincerest and Turn fest , which were first used in the early 50 s in U.S. a series of other words were derived, such as smoke fest , walkfest , eatfest , stuntfest , bookfest, gabfest .The element – fest was obviously interpreted as the allomorph of feast . The word cavalcade was re-interpreted as containing the element caval- » horse» and the suffix-cade «parade» and attracted such coining as aerocade , aquacade (on a Latin basis of coining), autocade , camelcade, motorcade (on a native basis of coining), recent words which may not stand the test of time. From the word panorama the characteristic ending-rama was secreted with the meaning «pageant, show» and has recently led to such words as cinerama, motorama , autorama .
Sometimes ignorant but pretentious people take to coining words, re-interpreting foreign word in their own way. They vaguely feel that there is some characteristic termination in a 6 reek or Latin word which they then attach to some English basis to give the c.b.a «learned» tinge. As a result, we get barbarisms in-athon , coined after Marathon , such as danceathon , swimathon etg, in-thorium, such as corsetorium , lubritorium etc.
Thus, the rise of suffix illustrated by types aristocracy / landocracy , barometer / speedometer and others treated in the preceding passage can stay out pf accounted for suffixal derivation.
There is yet a third way in which suffixes may arise. Words of apparently only one constituent element may develop derivative morphemes. If we take such a word as hamburger , we observe that it has attracted other coining like cheeseburger , bufburger , fishburger. The analysis of the word cannot be, as one may feel tempted to assume, that of ham and burger as there is no ham in the humburger. So the word cheeseburger has not arisen from re-interpretation. What has taken place is a shortening of the morpheme hamburger into a fore-clipped – burger , this part being taken as representative of the semantic elements contained in hamburger . The suffix cheeseburger there fore is a clipped word for non-existent cheese hamburger. Parallel to – burger words are such in – furture , as shrimpfurder , krautfurter , chicenfurter. In election campaign words such as Hoovercrat , Willkiecrat , – crat was short for democrat . The word telegram 1852 gave rise to cablegram , radiogram , pidgeongram , lettergram where – gram is short for telegram / Tnr diminutive suffix – ling prginated in the same way. Wolfling «young wolf» is a blend pf wol fand, young-ling «young animal»
2.4.4 Nominal and verbal suffixes
In ME there are nominal and verbal suffixes. The suffixs – fold , – most and – ward form words which are used both as adjectives and adverbs.
The meaning of a suffix is conditioned by the particular semantic character of the basis to which the suffix is attached, also by the linguistic circumstances in which the coinage is made. In general parlance, a fiver is a bill of five (dollars or pounds), in crikret, jargon it is a hit for five, in school life it may denote a boy who always