Дипломная работа: Функционально-стилистические особенности современного гипертекста на примере английского языка


The tonsils are areas of lymphoid tissue located on either side of throat that are frequently removed in a surgical procedure called a tonsillectomy. Those who often suffer from inflamed tonsils, as is the case with chronic tonsillitis patients, frequently undergo the procedure. The surgery is commonly performed on children, and among adult tonsillectomy patients, there is a slightly increased risk of bleeding and, generally, more postoperative pain. Whatis "PainlessTonsillectomy"? More …;

4) выяснить, что в настоящий день обсуждается в новостях (In the News):

Virgin Galactic Unveils Tourist Spaceplane

Virgin Galactic has released the final design for its SpaceShipTwo (SS2), a commercial vehicle that will take passengers on a two-and-a-half hour journey 110 kilometers (68.35 miles) above the earth, allowing them to experience a few minutes of weightlessness. The rocket spaceliner will carry two pilot astronauts and six ticketed passengers Seats are priced at $200,000, and Virgin Galactic claims that more than 200 passengers have already booked trips on the SS2. The sub-orbital spacecraft is currently under construction in the Mojave Desert and may be completed before the year's end. More on the subject …;

5) прочитать о том, что происходило в данный день в историческом прошлом (ThisDayinHistory):

Space Shuttle Challenger Breaks Apart (1986)

Seventy-three seconds into its tenth launch, the Space Shuttle Challenger disintegrated, killing everyone on board. Investigators concluded that a failed 0-ring, a rubber seal located in the right booster engine, caused a chain reaction that resulted in the external tank's structural failure and the orbiter's ultimate disintegration. The tragic event was captured on film, and within an hour, more than 75% of Americans had heard news of the disaster. WhowasChristaMcAuliffe? More …;

6) узнать, кто из известных людей родился в этот день (Today’sBirthday):

Jose Marti (1853)

A poet as well as a man of action, Marti was a writer and revolutionary who dedicated his life to the cause of Cuban independence. At the age of 16 he was arrested for treason and exiled to Spain. He returned to Cuba in 1878, only to be exiled again two years later. He fled to the US and founded the Cuban Revolutionary party, but was killed mere months after proclaiming the uprising that would lead to Cuban independence. His "Versos Sencillos" serve as the lyrics of what famous song? More…;

7) обратитьсякцитатедня (Quotation of the Day):

Rome took all the vanity out of me; for after seeing the wonders there, I felt too insignificant to live, and gave up all my foolish hopes in despair.

Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888)

8) узнатьпрогнозпогоды (Weather):


9) прочитатьгороскоп (Horoscope):

It is time to intensify your romantic relationship. Things in your love life should be pretty stable. You are likely to feel more emotionally involved than usual. Use these powerful surges of feelings to your advantage to deepen your relationship with the one you feel closest to. Intimacy is a keyword for all of your relationships. Do not shy away. Instead of falling into secrecy, put more of yourself out on the line;

а также 10) поиграть в различные образовательные лингвистические игры, например, по произношению слова установить его правописание (SpellingBee) или подобрать синонимы к данным словам (MatchUp):

Рисунок 3

Рисунок 4

Изучение структурно-семантических характеристик 100 лексикографических статей, размер которых варьируется от 2 до 10 машинописных страниц формата А4, позволило выявить их общую структуру:

Рисунок 5

В большинстве случаев словарная статья содержит заглавное слово; грамматическую информацию; транскрипцию; ссылку на звуковой файл (медиафайл), озвучивающий лексическую единицу; зону толкования, которая состоит из значений лексической единицы; историческую справку; иллюстрацию; тезаурус; кроме того, статья содержит цитаты из классической литературы, в которых употребляется искомая лексическая единица; а в некоторых случаях – ссылки на периодическую литературу. В процентном соотношении микроструктурные характеристики исследуемых словарных статей представлены в следующей таблице:

Таблица 1

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