Дипломная работа: Использование платформы j2me для мобильных телефонов при организации видеонаблюдений

y += d.getHeight() + currentStyle.getMargin (Component.BOTTOM);




* Returns the container preferred size


* @param parent the parent container

* @return the container preferred size


public Dimension getPreferredSize (Container parent) {

int components = parent.getComponentCount();

Style parentStyle = parent.getStyle();

int height = parentStyle.getMargin (Component.TOP)

+ parentStyle.getMargin (Component.BOTTOM);

int marginX = parentStyle.getMargin (Component.RIGHT)

+ parentStyle.getMargin (Component.LEFT);

int width = marginX;

for (int iter = 0; iter < components; iter++) {

Component current = parent.getComponentAt(iter);

Dimension d = current.getPreferredSize();

Style currentStyle = current.getStyle();

width = Math.max (d.getWidth() + marginX

+ currentStyle.getMargin (Component.RIGHT) +

currentStyle.getMargin (Component.LEFT), width);

height += currentStyle.getMargin (Component.TOP) + d.getHeight() +

currentStyle.getMargin (Component.BOTTOM);


Dimension size = new Dimension (width, height);

return size;

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