Дипломная работа: Minor Types of Lexical Opposition (Shortened Words)
I. Introduction.
1.1. Common characteristics of the qualification work
2.1. General definition of homonyms
II. The Main Part
1.2. Shortening of spoken words
2.2. Graphical abbreviations and acronyms
3.2. Abbreviations as the major type of shortenings
4.2. Secondary ways of shortening: sound interchange and sound imitating
5.2. Blendening of words
6.2. Back formation
7.2. Back formation as a source for shortening of words
III. Conclusion
1.3. Total review of the subject discussed
2.3. The ways of applying of the work
IV. Bibliography
1.1 Common characteristics of the qualification work
The theme of my qualification work sounds as following: “Type of shortening and their function in Modern English” This qualification work can be characterized by the following:
The actuality of this work caused by several important points. We seem to say that the shortening of the words is one of the main trends in development of Modern English, especially in its colloquial layer, which, in its turn at high degree is supported by development of modern informational technologies and simplification of alive speech. So the significance of our work can be proved by the following reasons:
a) Shortening of words is one of the developing branches of lexicology nowadays.
b) Shortening reflects the general trend of simplification of a language.
c) Shortening is closely connected with the development of modern informational technologies.
d) Being a developing branch of linguistics it requires a special attention of teachers to be adequated to their specialization in English.
Having based upon the actuality of the theme we are able to formulate the general goals of our qualification work.
a) To study, analyze, and sum up all the possible changes happened in the studied branch of linguistics for the past fifty years.
b) To teach the problem of shortening to young English learners.
c) To demonstrate the significance of the problem for those who want to brush up their English.
d) To mention all the major of linguists’ opinions concerning the subject studied.
If we say about the new information used within our work we may note that the work studies the problem from the modern positions and analyzes the modern trends appeared in this subject for the last ten years. In particular, the shorten language of computer chats was taken into consideration.
The practical significance of the work can be concluded in the following items:
a) The work could serve as a good source of learning English by young teachers at schools and colleges.