Дипломная работа: Совершенствование полуэмпирических методов рационального использования биологических ресурсов водоемов
Выполнил: студент группы ДРР-61
Татанов А.Н.
Проверил: к.т.н. профессор
Мельников А.В.
The abstract
Parameters of intensity of commercial fishery and ratio between them refer to to the major in fishery.
To an assessment{evaluation} of intensity of taking of a fish apply such concepts and parameters, as intensity of a catching, intensity of a craft, intensity of fishery, intensity of a catch, quotient of instant trade mortality, quotient of a trade loss, various concepts of trade force, etc. Thus in one and too concept frequently put various sense.
For unification of concepts of intensity it is useful to discriminate two forms of agency{effect} of intensity of taking of a fish on stores: intensity of influence on a store and intensity of utilization of stores.
Intensity of influence on stores do not correlate to a catch of trade objects and estimate parameters of trade force. Intensity of utilization of stores, opposite correlate to a catch and estimate parameters of utilization of stores.
With the count of division of commercial fishery on range discriminate intensity of commercial fishery, intensity of fishery, intensity of a craft, intensity of a catching.
Intensity of prom of fishes - the quality concept describing intensity of influence on a store and utilization of stores of trade object.
Intensity of fishery - a measure utilization of stores equal to catch for some interspace of a trade time in limens of an observed{a watched} trade plot or area.
Intensity of a craft - a measure of influence on a store, equal to trade force at work of group of courts
Intensity of a catching - a measure of influence on a store, equal to trade force at work of one vessel.
The trade force is estimated in bycaught volume (area) of a water reservoir or in bycaught volume of a clump, with a pole - вом of courts, fishing gears, a time of a catching or a craft, судо-day of a catching, etc.
Catch and trade force we shall count the absolute parameter, describing intensity of commercial fishery.
Except for absolute parameters, exist{breathe} relative.
Refers to intensity of fishery - the attitude of catch to magnitude of a store in the beginning of an observed{a watched} span with the count of a loss from the natural causes.
Relative conditional intensity of fishery - the attitude of catch to magnitude of a store in the beginning of an observed{a watched} span without taking into account a loss from the natural causes.
To relative parameters of intensity of fishery the instant quotient of trade mortality belongs also.
Relative intensity of a craft - the attitude bycaught by group of courts of volume of a water reservoir to volume of a trade part of a water reservoir.
Relative intensity of a catching - the attitude of volume of a water reservoir bycaught by one vessel to volume of a trade part of a water reservoir.
Введение. 7
Актуальность темы. 7
Цель и задачи диссертации. 9
Методы исследований. 9
Научная новизна и теоретическая ценность работы. 10
Практическая ценность и реализация результатов работы. 10
ГЛАВА 1. Совершенствование оценки селективных свойств орудий лова, промысла и рыболовства. 12
1.1. Общая характеристика селективности лова и промысла. 12