Дипломная работа: Structural and semantic Characteristics of Nouns

I. Introduction

1.1. General characteristics of the work

1.2. General Characteristics of English Nouns

The Main Part

2.1. Main Features of English Nouns

2.1.1. The Category of Case

2.1.2. The Category of Number of English Nouns

2.2. Structural Semantic Characteristics of English Nouns

2.2.1. Morphological Characteristics of Nouns

2.2.2. Syntactical Characteristics of Nouns

2.2.3. Characteristics of nouns due the way of their composition

2.2.4. Semantical Characteristics of Nouns

2.3. English Nouns in Speech

2.3.1. Noun Grammemes in Speech

2.3.2. The Use of Articles with Nouns in Some Set Expsessions

2.3.3. Test Exercises

2.4. Comparison of English and Russian nouns

II. Conclusion

III. Bibliography

IV. Appendix

I. Introduction

1.1 General characteristics of the work

The theme of my qualification work sounds as following: “English Nouns and Their Structural Semantic Characteristics”. This qualification work can be characterized by the following:

2. Actuality of the theme.

The noun is a word expressing substance in the widest sense of the word. In the concept of substance we include not only names of living beings (e.g. boy, girl, bird) and lifeless things (e.g. table, chair, book), but also names of abstract notions, i.e. qualities, slates, actions (kindness, strength, sleep, fear, conversation, fight), abstracted from their bearers. In speech these types of nouns are treated in different ways, so one, who does not know ways of treatment, can make mistakes in his speech. Standing on such ground, we considered the theme of the work actual enough to make investigation.

3. The tasks and aims of the work.

1. The first aim of my work is to give definition to the term “noun”.

2. Second task is to describe main features of English nouns.

3. Third task of my work is to give structural semantics characteristics to English nouns.

4. The novelty of the work.

Our work possesses novelty concluded in the fact that I worked out my own test exercises dealt with the composition of nouns and right usage of them.[1]


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