Дипломная работа: Stylistic potential of tense-aspect verbal forms in modern English

The why the topic of our paper is determined as «stylistic potential of tense-aspect verbal forms in modern English».

The object of our study is «The Tense-Aspect verbal form as many aspectual factor in Theoretical English Grammar».

The subject of our study is «Stylistic potential of tense-aspect verbal forms in modern English».

Language Level: Tense-Aspect verbal forms as constructive grammar means for two types of transpositions and some expression from the peripheral field in the frames of Spoken English.

Language material: Original text, dictionaries, thesauruses, monographs, history sources, theoretical grammar textbooks by English, Ukrainian and Russian authors, some pieces of information from Internet, a lot of material from Foreign Philology Faculty of G.S. Scovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University (lectures, books, English Language Encyclopedia), newspapers, journals.

Theoretical Value: The central interest in our paper is connected with very specifical but important for real understanding of spoken English problems in the frames of Theoretical English Grammar, connected with tense-aspect verbal forms, their features, constructions and behavior in specific environment. Analyzing tense-aspect verbal forms from these positions we have marked connotative aspect and emotional overtones as important semantic components of spoken English that is stylistic potential of tense-aspect verbal form. All these ideas are based on principle which are related by Theoretical English Grammar on the university level.

Practical value: The discussion of the tense-aspect verbal forms and their stylistic potential in modern English has been made concrete by the use of illustrative examples in the practical part of our paper, quotations from the original literature, tables, diagrams, comparison with Ukrainian and Russian.

Main methods for researching of our topic problem:

Methods of scientific research used in our paper have been connected with the general trends in the science of language, namely:

– critical and contextological analysis of some original texts with the aim to present the samples and the cases of practice of stylistic potential of tense-aspect verbal forms in modern English;

– the historical approach that is retrospective exposure of native and world experience;

– eliciting facts, samples and generalization them in borders of the positive and real practice;

– philological observations using especially two types of transpositions and principles of the peripheral field so that to expand the borders of the traditional Theoretical English Grammar and obtain some cases to wide students knowledge;

In the light of our philosophy and philological observations, critical and contextological analysis of some original contexts our results were obtained on the edge of some linguistic sciences: Stylistics (Decoding), Functional Grammar, Syntax, Functional and Communicative Linguistics, Theory of Interpretation of Text, Theory of Contextual Situation and other.

At the end our paper, there are some ideas for teachers to help them of exercises and activities for students.

Further Reading List has been given for teachers who wants to expand their language skills by the way of additional investigations.

1.Theoretical background of the research of stylistic potential of tense-aspect verbal forms

1.1 Perspective of the research

Interest in our main problem, how it originated, how it works and develops, has existed in remote ages. Chronologically at once we pay our special attention to individuals, whose contribution to the subject – Stylistic Potential of Tense-Aspect Verbal Forms in Modern English – has been well-known. In Table 1 that we have completed for students we present some names of philologist, titles of their works, years who began to research this problem many years ago up to now. [38; 43; 47]

Our short overview we begin with William Lily (1468–1522) who wrote «A short Introduction of Grammar» and was the first between others in this sphere. Then in 1580 «A Treatise for Declining Verb» was written by Claudius Holyband (1580). After that William Bullokar (1530–1609) created the first grammar of English «Pamphlet for Grammar» in 1586, a short sketch based on Lily’s Lating Grammar.

Naturally in this years the struggle for national grammar and language began and John Wallis (1616–1703) wrote Gramatica Liguae Anglicanae (1649) for foreign students that was held in high esteem but has only produced since the eighteenth century. John Walker’s Ryming Dictionary of the English Language (1732–1807) is used in works on stylistic problems by our contemporary scholars. Next was Lindley Murray (1745–1826) who published his English Grammar, adapted to the different classes of learners, and became the best-known scholar with the nickname «Father of English Grammar».

In 1853 year Macel Claude Victor Andre (1793–1875) published his major work Language as a Means of Mental Culture and International Communication, written in English, where he showed his position that «impression» – stylistic background of grammar – should always precede «expression». Then a Grammar of Spoken English with a lot of stylistic features was presented by Palmer Harold (1923). His friend who became effectively Palmer’s «crown prince» – Hornby Albert (1898–1979) – developed ideas and projects in his pedagogical grammar Guide to Pattens and Usage in English (1954) where the author put the concept of «grammar time» on the first place: what type of grammar time we need to use for expressing of definite temporal relationship, positions and states.

In this time Eckersley C.E. (1893–1967) wrote Brighter Grammar (1953) were he tried to approach English grammar in the same «scientific» way and to show that it is not a collection of dull, dead words but a living thing.

A lot of works on Linguistics which are used by Russian and Ukrainian scholars were written by Ottor Jesprsen (1860–1943), especially his monumental Modern English Grammar (1909–1949); The Philosophy of Grammar (1924), Efficiency in Linguistic Change (1943) and others. Edward Sapir wrote in a Danish newspaper:

«Your (Jespersen’s) work has always seemed to me to be distinguished by its blend of exact knowledge, keenness of analysis, ease and lucidity of STYLE, and by an imaginative warmth that is certainly not common in scientific writing» [43; 95].

The reality can be seen in the three kilos of paper of A Comprehensive Grammar of English Language (1985) written by Randolph Quirk and his team. In our paper we will exploit Chapter 4 «The Semantics of the Verbal Phrase». We have completed Table 1 for those students who wish to continue their researches this problem in the historical frames.

Throughout of centuries English Scholar created the system of the Morphology Grammar where English verbal forms as the basis of Grammar have gradually been presented, studied and researched as a great stylistic potential. Being placed in unusual syntagmatic environmentwhich change their canonized grammatical characteristics and combinability, English Verbs acquire stylistic significant.

1.2 The analysis of the stylistic potential of tense-aspect verbal forms in modern English by foreign linguists

The motivation for Gearge Yuri’s classic work Explaing English Grammar is to describe and explain the basic forms of the present and past tenses, perfect and progressive aspects and main structures of the English verb complex. Drawing on his experiment we want to add some interesting points from his ideas.

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