Дипломная работа: Stylistic potential of tense-aspect verbal forms in modern English

Whenever Isee her, she’s working in the garden.

The «temporal frame» of the present progressive is normally «now» , recurrent or imaginary, inaccordance with the interpretation of the habitual, the historical, the fiction meanings.

The authors give a piece of information about the perfective progressive meaning that the features of the progressive and the perfective aspects are combined in the same phrase. This problem will be debated by Ukrainian and Russian scientists.

R. Quirk and his team give a lot of information about time, tense and aspect; the tables in which English verbs are divided into stative and dynamic types; difficult theme as «aspect» is presented in clear and lucid language. There are some problems which are debated up to now, for example, «the reality of the perfective progressive».

1.3 The analysis of the stylistic potential of tense-aspect verbal forms in modern English by home linguists

N.N. Rayevska [3; 30]is awell-known Ukrainian (Kiev) scholar who specialized in the study of English language and wrote two monographs:

1. The Essays on Stylistic Grammar of Modern English (1976) [3]

2. Modern English Grammar(1976) [30]

These monographs introduce the results of N.N. Rayevska’s philological observations which convey theoretical grammar problems of verbal system and their stylistic possibilities and potentialities. All these features are very useful for insight into writer's context and understanding of their artists' intentions. In Modern English Grammar N.N. Rayevska accentuates:

«A major question in learning the grammar of the English verb is therefore to look for the difference of distribution various context, liguistic or situational, where each verb – form occurs» [30; 137]. The result according to these points can be seen in Table 4–8.

The results according to the functional and semantic transpositions can be seen in Tables 9–10.

Some words about trabsposition itself.

Transposition is a divergense between the traditional usage of a neutral word and its situational (stylistic) usage.

Transposition of verbs is more varied than other parts of speech. It is explained by a greater number of grammatical categories the meanings of which may be transposed. One of peculiar features of English tense forms is their polysemantism: thesame form may realize various meanings in spoken English and other styles.

Deviation from the general meaning makes verbs stylistically coloured . Twotypes of transposition are presented in our table: functional and semantic – whereinherent resources and devices of – English verbs create and establish a lot of subtle meaningful nuances by means of Morphology.

N.N. Rayevska throws light upon the nature of the functional and semantic peripheral field of the verbal voice and marks off it in her diagram where paradigmatic verbal forms and language units of the other levels are unified and consolidated together in the functional-semantic field of the voices hip. As innovation we have completed Table 11 «The Stylistic Potential of Peripheral Elements of the Passive Voice in Modern Enflish» and mean that it will enrich the verbal system and help and stimulate students’ intensification of its usage in the frames of Theoretical English Grammar.

Presenting the functional-semantic field of the aspectual system of the English Verb the author lines down the categores of the aspect and tense as organically correlated: the form of the aspect is the form of the tense (asin Quirk’s system) but she means there are two types of the aspect in English Grammar which are itroduced as the oppositions:

l. the common aspect (speaks, spoke, will speak);

2. the continuous aspect (is speaking, was speaking)

N.N. Rayevska puts forward several interesting and stimulating ideas for the further philological observations that according to her point of view are very productive and prospective:

1. Development of grammat co-ideomatical structures.

2. Morphological correlations of interlevel units and inclusion them in the peripheral field of verbal forms.

3. The Phrasiological System in its unity with garammatical functioning.

4. Paculiarities of lexical combinability and realization of tense-aspect forms in the community of their syntactical structures and others (a lot of ideas!)

The field arragement of tense-aspect: system for philological observations expands the frames of the traditional English Grammar and helps to reveal a lot. of stylistic colours and their shades.

In her turn the author of Stylistics of Modern English (Stylistic Decoding), I.V. Arnold writes:

«Stylistic potential is possibility to add an idiomatic power to the language and express various subtle distinctions of thoughts and meanings». [4, 124]

The author divides transposition into two types and distribute this material into two groups, Table 1.4 that have been complited by our team as visual material for studatns:

1. Transposition with emotional expressiveness.

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