Доклад: Соционический подход к изучению наций english

- national elite’s construction; its accordance with the nation.

The knowledge of nation’s sociotype offers to approach scientifically to strategic planning of state’s development (like the knowledge of person’s sociotype helps in profession choosing)

As the example, let us consider briefly how to determine one pair of main signs: logical (pragmatic) or ethical (emotional) the nation under examination is?

Some features of logical (pragmatic) nations:

1. main criteria in this societies are: logical-unlogical, correct-uncorrect, cleverly-foolishly, advantageous-disadvantageous, economical-uneconomical etc. Actions of other nations, states and persons are estimated from the point of view of logic, reason, activity and not of the emotion maintenance (kindness, sympathy, responsiveness etc.)

2. They try to solve their problems by themselves, with the help of their own abilities. As a rule they don’t ask somebody and don’t persuade somebody. They prove their rightness by deeds and unanswerable arguments.

3. Their promises are more reliable. Their care of truth stirs up the real esteem: it is not the declaration but really truth; it is not the formal replay but really law, this society lives under.

4. Fashion and many other human society’s dynamic attributes are changing more slowly in these nations than in emotional ones. One of the cause is the pragmatic advantage to be one of the paramount values of such nations.

5. Constructive logic in these nations restrains influence of social myths. New myths are being born because of the shortage of needing information. But the existence of the new social myth in these nations is short and expedient.

Some features of ethical (emotional) nations:

1. Pragmatism is not strong virtue of such nations. Main criteria in these societies are: well-bad, human-unhuman, honestly-dishonestly, will be offended - will not be offended etc.

2. Truth and untruth have relative character, not absolute one: it is seemed to be good all, that is pleasant for people (sometimes even if it is not truth). By this reason laws have less rigid functions in these nations.

3. These nations are more spontaneous while contact with other societies and cultures. Their ethics is creative, initiative and primary before logic.

4. There are many impulsive and unreasoned in these nations. Forces of pragmatic and scientific constructing are not enough developed. Utter emotions don’t afraid people in these nations. It is seemed often that people seek them intentionally.

5. The influence of social myth is stronger in these nations than in logical ones. Myth can interprets each event. Often political leader wins elections because of people’s sympathy and not because of his program.

While using this approach we can determine as logical next nations: Americans, Canadians, Danes, English, Germans, Japanese, Jews, Lithuanians, Scots etc. We can determine as ethical next nations: Austrians, Belorussians, French, Greeks, Hungarians, Poles, Russians, Ukrainians etc.

The similar approach is used while defining other pairs of signs. Psychological features of nations are expressed in language, literature, art, religion, science, mythology, nation-state construction and other sides of social life.

While studding these expressions one can draw a conclusion about the mentality type, the nation inclined to, prognose probable trend of development and mutual relations with other nations.

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