Книга: Сборник диалогов по английскому языку для развития устной речи стар

- As a matter of fact parents in comparison with children understand all the events in their way, but the children understand these events in their way.

- Nevertheless the parents are always elated by their children in spite of all their larks.

- You are right quite. It is determined psychologically. Real parents always sympathize with their children.

- All I am trying to say that there is a real generation gap. It will be in all the times.

- You have my whole support, but there is only one hope for it. Both sides will patient and try to do their best to understand and help each other.

The generation gap: myth or reality? (2)

Interviewer: Good afternoon! I want to ask you several questions about the generation gap: myth or reality?

A psychologist: Good afternoon, I suppose the generation gap is reality.

Interviewer: Why do you think?

A psychologist: Because we havethe difficult child is the child who is unhappy consequence. He is at war with the world and his parents.

Interviewer: What are the usual arguments put forward against giving more freedom to the child?

A psychologist: The usual argument against freedom for children is this: life is hard, and parents must train the children so that they will fit into life later on.

Parents must therefore discipline them.

Interviewer: Why is it wrong to pressure a child into obedience?

A psychologist: Fear can be a terrible thing in a child’s life. Only hate can flourish in the atmosphere of fear.

Interviewer: How should the new generation be brought up?

A psychologist: It seems to me it’s clear that we should bring up the next generation with a greater respect for law and for other people’s rights.

Problems and prospects of higher education in Kazakhstan.

- I’d like to go behind the education in Kazakhstan.

- First of all I want to mention, that the expenses for education are not reduced they constantly continue to increase.

- You drop a hint that the level of high education because better.

- I don’t hint, I say trustingly. I think computerization produced a great effect on education.

- You mean education because more efficient!

- Well, I think that higher education in Kazakhstan is no worse than abroad.

- Really. From year to year the level of education comes along!

- Of course the information technology takes are important part in education. But the thing is that valued teaches are also necessary.

- I don’t object to this point of view. But we can’t notice the problems in education.

- May be you are right. I know that there are several problems.

- Can you name some of them?

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