Контрольная работа: Functions of Management

7. Understandability

8. Balance between objectivity and subjectivity

9. Coordinated with planning, organizing and leading

Managers expect people in an organization to change their behavior in response to control. However, employee resistance can easily make control efforts dysfunctional. The following behaviors demonstrate means by which the manager's control efforts can be frustrated:

1. Game playing ® control is something to be beaten, a game between the «boss and me and I want to win.»

2. Resisting control ® a «blue flu» reaction to too much control

3. Providing inaccurate information ® a lack of understanding of why the information is needed and important leading to «you want numbers, we will give you numbers.»

4. Following rules to the letter ® people following dumb and unprofitable rules in reaction to «do as I say.»

5. Sabotaging ® stealing, discrediting other workers, chasing customers away, gossiping about the firm to people in the community

6. Playing one manager off against another ® exploiting lack of communication among managers, asking a second manager if don't like the answer from the first manager.


Summing up the results of the conducted analysis the following conclusionscan be made:

Management operates through various functions. To decide how much functions management has I compared some viewpoints of scientists. I think that management has only four functions:

«Planning: deciding what needs to happen in the future (today, next week, next month, next year, over the next 5 years, etc.) and generating plans for action.

Organizing: (implementation) making optimum use of the resources required to enable the successful carrying out of plans.

Directing: determining what needs to be done in a situation and getting people to do it.

Controlling: monitoring, checking progress against plans, which may need modification based on feedback.» [5]

In addition, in the paper you can find general rules to improve communication, which is the part of directing, and organizing.

As you can see competent performance of all management functions ensures an organization stability of development, high profitability and efficiency. Planning helps to work out strategy. Organizing is responsible for creation the structure of company. Directing makes people to follow strategy. Controlling checks running of the whole company.


1. Bernard L. Erven (2003). The Five Functions of Management: The Foundation of ManagementExcel. Retrieved March 29, 2009, from: http://extension.osu.edu/~mgtexcel/Function.html

2. Henri Fayol (1916). Model: Five functions of management. Retrieved March 30, 2009, from: http://www.provenmodels.com/3

3. James Higgins, The Management Challenge, Second edition, Macmillan, 1994.

4. Jayashree Pakhare (25.09.2007). Management Concepts – The Four Functions of Management. Retrieved March 29, 2009, from: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/management-concepts-the-four-functions-of-management.html

5. Unknown author (2009). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Management. Retrieved March 29, 2009, from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Management#Basic_functions_of_management

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