Контрольная работа: Hobby and keenness

There are fewer changes from one hobby to another.

Youth often use hobby pursuits to discover career interest.

Youth seeks greater opportunities to relate hobby interest with clubs and groups.

Youth wants to engage in performing hobbies.

At this age the foundation is laid for possible educational hobbies which are pursed in adulthood.


Their hobby interest are specialized.

They need the hobby more than in their earlier years.

They seek to express themselves through their hobby interests.

They pursue their hobby more seriously.

They join hobby clubs because they want to share their interest.

5.3 Older Folks

They have more leisure than adults and their hobby becomes a way to make life meaningful.

They use a hobby as a means of making adjustment to retirement.

They enjoy hobbies that require study and offer creative opportunities.

They want hobbies that give them a chance to receive recognition.

6. Advises for hobbyists .

6.1 How Hobbyists Become Interested

The following represent means of helping individuals get started on a hobby:

1. Parents, grandparents, or friends give instruction, guidance, and encouragement.

2. A gift received starts the person on his hobby.

3. Children and youth get their hobby ideas while in school or while participating in an agency program.

4. Camp programs arouse interest.

5. Some hobbies are an outgrowth of vacations.

6. Some hobbyists get started by attending classes in instruction in crafts, music, radio, speech, etc.

7. Some persons become interested through seeing a hobbyist in action.

8. Others are stimulated while visiting a hobby show or an arts and crafts display.

8. Some are interested as a result of trips to museums. Libraries, and parks.

9. Reading magazine articles and books arouses the interest of some people.

11. Listening to a talk on a hobby or hobbies start some people on their interest.

10. Talks on radio or demonstration on television start some folks on their hobby.

6.2 How To Get Started - Suggestions to the Individual

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