Контрольная работа: Искусство аргументации

26. Рождественский Ю.В. Теория риторики. 2-е изд., испр. М.: Добросвет, 1999. 488 с

27. Рябцева Н.К. Ментальные перформативы в научном дискурсе // Вопросы языкознания. 1992. №4.

28. Сидельникова Т.Т. Спор! Спор? Спор: Учеб. пособие. Казань: Изд-во Казан. ун-та, 1992. 110 с.

29. Тулмин Ст. Человеческое понимание. М.: Прогресс, 1984. 380 с.

30. Фанян Н.Ю. Аргументация как лингвопрагматическая структура: Автореф. дис. … д-ра филол. наук /Кубан. гос. ун-т. Краснодар, 2000. 49 с.

31. Eemeren, Frans H. Grootendorst R. Speech Acts in Argumentative Discussions. Dordrecht Holland / Cunnaminson. USA, 1984.

32. Eemeren, Frans H. Grootendorst R, Kruiger F. Handbook of Argumentation Theory: A Critical Survey of Classical Backgrounds and Modern Studies. Dordrecht Holland / Providence. USA, 1987.

33. Engelfreit, Joeri & Treur, Jan. Specification of Nonmonotonic Reasoning // Practical Reasoning. International Conference on Formal & Applied Practical Reasoning, FAPR 96. Bonn, June 1996.

34. Farrel, Thomas B. Knowledge in Time: Toward an Extention of Rhetorical Form // Advances in Argumentation. Theory and Research.USA, 1982.

35. Finocchiaro, Maurice A. Reasoning about reasoning // Practical Reasoning. Bonn, 1996.

36. Gasser, James. Argumentative Aspects of Indirect Proof // Argumentation. 1992. №2.

37. Gilbert, Michael A. The Delimination of Argument // http: //www.shss.montcla…iry/fall 95.

38. Gilbert, Michael A. Goals in Argumentation // Practical Reasoning. Bonn, 1996.

39. Gutenberg, Norbert. Orality and Public Discourse. On the Rhetoric of Media and Political Communication // Aspects of Oral Communication. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1995.

40. Hample, Dale. Modeling Argument // Advances in Argumentation. Theory and Research.USA, 1982.

41. Johnstone, Henry W. Bilaterality in Argument and Communication // Advances in Argumentation. Theory and Research.USA, 1982.

42. Knorr-Cettina, Karin. The Internal Environment of Knowledge Claims // Argumentation. 1988. №2.

43. Kulas, J. Philosophy and Natural Language Processing // Philosophy, Language and Artificial Intelligence. New York, 1988.

44. MacCormick, Neil. Legal Reasoning and Legal theory. Oxford Clarendon Press, 1994.

45. Oostdam R.J. Empirical researsh on the Identification of Singular, Multiple and Subordinate // Argumentation 1990. №4.

46. Pollock John L. Reason in a Changing World // Practical Reasoning. Bonn, 1996.

47. Reike, Richard D., Sillars, Malcolm O. Argumentation and Critical Decision Making. Longman, 1985.

48. Richards L.A. The Philosophy of Rhetoric. Oxford Univ. Press, 1965.

49. Rowland, Robert C. Purpose, Argument Evaluation and the Crisis in the Public Sphere // Argumentation Theory and the Rhetoric of Assent. The University of Alabama Press, 1990.

50. The Radical Choice and Moral Theory: Through Communicative // Argumentation 1994. №1.

51. The Discourse of Negotiations. Studies of language in the workplace. Pergamon, 1995.

52. Toulmin, Stephen Edelston. The Uses of Arguments. Cambridge University Press, 1958.

53. Tordesillas, Alonso. Chaim Perelman: Justice, Argumentation and Ancient Rhetoric // Argumentation. 1990. №4.

54. Willard, Charles Arthur. Argument Fields // Advances in Argumentation. Theory and Research.USA, 1982.

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