Контрольная работа: Literature in Ukraine: Mykhaylo Kotsiubynsky and Oles Honchar
17. I know by «Tvoya Zorya», «Ziklon», «Tronka».
18. This author can justly be called the conscience of Ukraine.
19. In his works such problems as the good and the evil, honour and dishonour, love and hate were raised.
List of book
1. Lakyza M.P., Mashura M.I., Fedynets P.I. «Ukrainian Literature». – Kyiv, 1990.
2. Hropko P. «Ukrainian Literature». – Kyiv «Osvita», 1998.
3. Baran V. «The creation of Honchar». – Lviv, 1997.
4. Hramov O.G. «Vital and creative wayof M. Kotsiubynsky». – Kyiv, 2000.
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